calories shed in 30 day shred?

All I hear is 30 day shred this, and P90x that, so I decided to see what all the hype is about. I ordered 30 day shred on amazon for @ $10, and started this am. It was great, and quick, but how do I log my calories burned? I spent about an hour googling and researching just how many calories I burned in the 20min workout. I was very dissapointed to see so many people saying they weren't burning more than 100-150, it didn't seem right to me. I know what I burn on the elliptical in 20 mins, and this was much more of a workout. So, for anyone interested, I suggest you input the activity as 'circuit training'. I googled 'calories burned calculator' and was hit with a ton of sites. You have to enter your weight for it to be accurate. I found that they all were within 2 calories of one another, including myfitnesspal. I have no interest in buying a heart monitor, or whatever, so I'm going to stick with the online calculators. If anyone has a particular calculator they like best, let me know :)


  • cmurphy04722
    I have HRM and started the shred 2 days ago. I'm 5'4, weigh about 165 and I'm 23. I burn about 250 calories doing the shred, starting at the warm up and ending after the cool down, roughly 27 minutes. The first day I burned 300 calories but I was using 8 lb. weights (all I have!). I used a resistance band yesterday and burned 250.
  • sssrip
    sssrip Posts: 72
    I have seen this question asked every way possible and never has the same answer been given twice.
  • l8ybug
    l8ybug Posts: 24
    I have HRM and started the shred 2 days ago. I'm 5'4, weigh about 165 and I'm 23. I burn about 250 calories doing the shred, starting at the warm up and ending after the cool down, roughly 27 minutes. The first day I burned 300 calories but I was using 8 lb. weights (all I have!). I used a resistance band yesterday and burned 250.

    Your calories burned seem more on the mark than what I've been reading. I really do think it's a good workout. The calculator estimated I burned 226 in the 20mins, I'm 185 and 5'6"
  • cmurphy04722
    It makes sense to me, on the elliptical I usually burn 100 calories/10min. on average. The shred is a full body workout, so burning almost as much as on the elliptical in half an hour seems about right. As long as you're pushing it and breaking a good sweat throughout, I think this is accurate.