FAA--- Food Addicts Anonymous?



  • lorifulton89
    lorifulton89 Posts: 15 Member
    No, I don't think that ever goes away...in fact, It took me forever to just accept that. I think what is important is that you have more good days than you have bad and that you get faster at pulling yourself out of the gutter when you've relapsed.

    It's funny that you mention biting your nails...I have also had that habit my entire life...and I work in Information Technology, where I am constantly typing and training other people how to use software...my hands are noticed by people and I use to be very embarrassed. I did find one thing that keeps me from biting my nails however...I have been almost two years now without having an issue. I go and get acrylic nails put on and/or filled ever 3 - 4 weeks. For some reason, the thickness of the acrylic nails seems to deter me from trying to bite my nails and now my hands look great all of the time. It costs me about $20 every 3 - 4 weeks...but it is sooooo worth it! :-)
  • lorifulton89
    lorifulton89 Posts: 15 Member
    I spent three months doing everything right....my diet, and my exercise...then...WHAM!!!....I fell off the wagon and landed in a bit pile of chocolate covered poo....otherwise known as a Hershey's with almonds. I walked into Safeway to get some chicken and walked out with a Hershey's with Almonds and a 20oz coca-cola. That was two weeks ago...I tried not to beat myself up over it...but then throughout the rest of that week...I started eating crap and by the weekend had consumed things that one human should not consume in a month...let alone one week.

    One of my friends on this site...sent me an email asking me where I was...that was all it took...it was like a slap in the face. She didn't say anything harsh, but just her asking how I was seemed to remind me that I am not in this alone and that Rome was not built in a day...that if I right the ship now, it will take me less time to get back to where I was and beyond.

    Today I just logged the same weight I was before that catastrophe occurred....one week is all it took for me to get back to my journey and pick up where I left off...one week. That is not so bad...and I am glad that my friend was there. MFP is amazing and I believe if we all keep posting our thoughts and shared experiences here we have the ability to keep strong and deal with this addiction.
  • Gmtribble90
    Gmtribble90 Posts: 463 Member
    Awesome topic.

    Ok, here goes...

    My name is Gina and I am a Food Addict.

    Growing up, I always liked food. When I was sad, it comforted me and then when wasn't sad, cooking was a highly enjoyable activity (still is). Also, when something new came out, I had to try it (sometimes, I still do).

    My issues today come from that. I love to look at food porn and think about what combinations would be awesome to try out (my bf is my usual guinea pig). When I go out with my boyfriend, I normally see something I would like to try and usually go with it, then if I like it, either try to re-create at home or think about when I can have it again. I often find myself emotional-eating when sad or stressed and overeat when bored.

    Sometimes, I have the issue of going to the store and buying a tub of gelato to spread throughout a week, then eat it in a day or two or I will buy the candy bar multi-packs and scarf them down.

    I have cut back since I started my diet, but still have my times of giving in to temptation.

    I feel better now that I have put my food addiction on here lol...
  • spogorov
    spogorov Posts: 1
    Hello...I am trying to overcome food addictions that I just realized were present. I realized after having my second child that I have no energy...I Binge eat constantly...and hide food from my husband...I carry cash to buy fast food so my husband cannot track it...please someone with experience help me...I wanna be healthy for my kids...but can not seem to get going...mentally or physically.
  • slugkiller
    slugkiller Posts: 90 Member
    No, I don't think that ever goes away...in fact, It took me forever to just accept that. I think what is important is that you have more good days than you have bad and that you get faster at pulling yourself out of the gutter when you've relapsed.

    It's funny that you mention biting your nails...I have also had that habit my entire life...and I work in Information Technology, where I am constantly typing and training other people how to use software...my hands are noticed by people and I use to be very embarrassed. I did find one thing that keeps me from biting my nails however...I have been almost two years now without having an issue. I go and get acrylic nails put on and/or filled ever 3 - 4 weeks. For some reason, the thickness of the acrylic nails seems to deter me from trying to bite my nails and now my hands look great all of the time. It costs me about $20 every 3 - 4 weeks...but it is sooooo worth it! :-)

    Me too, nail biting all my life. blooming iritating - my bf threatens to rub them with raw chili but he hasn't done it yet.... Is it related to other issues & food?
  • Katerbels
    Katerbels Posts: 106 Member
    I'm so glad I found this topic!! My name is Katerbels, and I am addicted to food. Mainly bad food. I too think about food all the time, even when I'm not hungry I'm thinking about what's for dinner/snack/etc. If I know I have something delicious in the house, I literally cannot think or focus on anything else until I finally get up and go devour whatever it is. I would eat fast food frequently. My husband and I would order pizza or takeout at least once a week. The thought of eating 'diet' food for the rest of my life makes me want to just stay fat forever, because I can eat whatever I want. I get angry and annoyed when anyone takes food off my plate or even says 'can I have a french fry?' even though I know I can't finish them all....they're all mine until I decide I'm done. My husband is the same way, so it's doubly hard because now that we're working on changing together, it's easy for one of us to convince the other one that we should have an 'off' day.
    This is my 2nd week on MFP, and I have managed to work almost every calorie into my day so that I'm staying under or close. I find that keeping my diary open to 'friends' helps me keep it under control, because in my mind there are thousands of people judging me for what I eat, even if no one bothers to look at it. I'd be too embarrassed to enter the things I want to eat, so I just haven't been eating them so I don't have to worry about. I don't know how long that will last, but for now it's keeping me under control. Except tonight, when I was tired and starving after work and we ordered pizza...I'm still under my calories and tomorrow is another day.
  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    Me too... this thread explains my every waking minute. probably the only time I don't think about food is when I'm sleeping. Why can't i be addicted to fruit, or steak, or tofu? Why is it pasta, bread, and fried foods and .....?? Every food commercial I fight with myself about running out for that item. Every picture on the web creates a craving. Finishing one meal leads to thoughts of the next one.

    It helps to know we are not alone. That others share our angst, our moments of panic, our compulsive binging and subsequent bouts of guilt and depression. I've never met any of you nor are we MFPFriends yet I feel I know all of you personally!

    Thank you for starting this thread, thank you to all who replied. I know that just as an alcoholic, its a one day at a time, one meal at a time. I've gotten this far and I won't go back, I can't go back. Yet when the cravings call my first reaction is to give in and say who the hell cares. Sometimes I've slipped and gorged, other days I've won the battle. One day, one meal at a time. I don't like this battle but this time I'm not going to surrender without a fight!

    Last thought..... I often blame it on Eve and eating the forbidden fruit. In my version it wasn't an apple.... It was an apple fritter!!
  • lilalatzhose
    You can get the same level of enjoyment by buying another pack of cookies and, for example, some kind of vegetable that you never cooked before, only the latter is way healthier:) You know what I mean?

    Yes! I have noticed that, too. When I see exotic fruits/vegatables in a store, I get really excited and it makes me happy to try them :-DDD

    But you know, there are two things...I realize it now, First, sometimes you are too busy to make these fancy meals, and it feels so great just to buy something simple,stuffing and probably unhealthy, Second, and I notice it only now... sometimes it really seems that you have no other concerns in life but thinking about food: what is healthy, what has less sugar etc etc. I miss this feeling now when I'm on a diet when you can just go to the supermarket and buy whatever you feel like eating today without thinking too much. it feels kind of shallow to dedicate so much of my time and attention for food...

    I know what you mean and in the beginning I felt the same way. But now I go grocery shopping every two days. I know what to buy and completely ignore the candy isles. It has become a habit. I go to the fruit and vegetable section for apples, cucumbers, salad, tomatoes, zucchini, avocados, potatoes etc. Then I buy fish, chicken and beef. Then cheese, milk and muesli. Last on the list is couscous, pure tomato paste and rice. Thats my standard shopping list. No pasta, no junk food, no toast, no sugary cereal... Its done really fast. I know its healthy and dont need to check for nutritional values. Of course I add and vary stuff sometimes.
    Most of it can be prepared really quickly, too.
    Take muesli for breakfast, for example. Put muesli in a bowl. Add milk/yoghurt. Chop up fruit. Done. Its a great, nutritious, yummy, quick breakfast.
    Or Couscous. It takes like three minutes to prepare it and it can be varied indefinitely. E.g. with vegetables. Boil water. Add a little bit of olive oil. Add (homemade!) instant soup seasoning. Chop up vegetables like carrots, zucchini, peppers. Add them to the boiling water. (Add tomato paste.) Turn off the heat. Add couscous. Wait for two minutes. Done.
    I mix my salads in two minutes. Great snack! I just add everything i like. (especially goat cheese.) I throw dried mixed herbs (in a bottle) on top of it. I add mixed seeds, a good oil and balsamico vinegar. Done.
    Soups are always a great -and fast- meal. There are so many variations!
    Tipp: Prepare your own seasoning! Just mix all the herbs and vegetables you like, add salt (100 g per 700 g of vegetables) and mash them. You can store it in the fridge for like forever. Its a quick way tho prepare soups and season stews etc.
    P.S. what's o special about pumpkin seed oil?I think we have some, never tired it though..
    Try it. it just tastes great!
  • anetap2000
    anetap2000 Posts: 116 Member
    Its like reading about myself. You are not crazy. Im with you!
    I was just about to post a topic just like this.

    I am feeling pretty defeated today... it's like I can't stop eating. I never feel full or satisfied. Even when I eat 2000 calories a day I still feel ravenous. I too would love some feedback on how to stop this cycle. It is making me miserable.

    Today I was looking through my cabinets and I just HAD to make cookies because I had everything to make them and I couldn't focus on anything but cookies until I finally cooked them and ate them. UGH...

    So I guess step one is to throw away ALL sugar in my house and ALL flour for that matter. And leave my money at home so that I'm not tempted to go buy donuts or fast food every time I go into town to drop my kiddo off at school.

    I SO thought that I was alone and that people would think I was crazy because I'm addicted to FOOD... I felt like I would be laughed at!!

    I'm going to add you as a friend and maybe we can get through this together!!! I know if there is someone holding me accountable I can usually do anything.

    Let's start tomorrow by cleaning out our cupboards and fridge.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    I am happy to find this thread this is so me
  • dawnj87
    dawnj87 Posts: 98 Member
    Wow! I am glad I am not alone. I am Dawn, and I am a FOOD ADDICT!! I love, love, love food. I think about food all the time. I love to try new recipes and I love to try new restaurants. I constantly think about food and don't know how to overcome this. Help!!!!!!!
  • starsjen24
    starsjen24 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm Jen and this is how myself and so many others feel. Some days I feel like a pirate from the cursed black pearl. Eat, eat, eat and eat but never satisfied to a point food itself excites me no more. Mindless eating not tasting a dam thing. So, I change my focus. Listening to what my body wants, discovering REAL hunger cues. It's a long process involving the mind also. I am at a point now where ppl can eat infront of me and I don't want their chips or chocolate ice cream. My bf is skinny and has hollow legs so he eats everything. Important thing with relationships is NOT to compete with ur partner. Making equal portions for me and him does not suit me lol. I gain of course. Now I only take and eat the amount my body needs. I still have 30 lbs left to take off but ill get there.

    Reaching a big goal is like trying to eat a whale....one bite at a time. Taking it 1 day at a time is best of course. Keep calm and do what makes u happy. I found I was trying to feed my mind and soul with food. Rediscover yourself, find a passion, experience something new. In my view, what's the point of losing a ton of weight if I'm still unhappy. Then I'd be a skinny ***** lol. Life is short, don't obsess too much with the whole food diet thing. Keep track then put it out of ur mind. Once the mind and soul are at peace, ur body will follow. It will fall off without you realizing it.

    We are many and we are strong. We can do anything we put our minds to :)
  • OAEE
    OAEE Posts: 10 Member
    I find this link and everyone who posted really inspirational. I am a compulsive eater and have been for many decades. did also the nail biting thing, drank too much, just anything that "takes the edge off". I finally gave up on the diets and see saw and started going to overeaters anonymous about 8 years ago. It has made a world of difference to me. I have a sponsor I call every day and tell her what I intend to eat and report if I ended up doing what I said I was going to do yesterday. over time, the support of the program has helped me immeasurably. the one thing I had not thought of recently until reading this post is that over time, my food obsession has abated. it comes and goes but I dont' act on it for the most part. And I just realized just how much time I freed up in my head over this. I just don't think about it anywhere near as often as I used to. anyway, I just joined mfp today and am looking to increase my exercising from just walking the dog to doing something actually that pushes me. as I follow a food plan, my food tends to be similar over the course of a week or two so I am not sure how helpful it will be to track it but I will try it out. if anyone wants to connect, please friend me.

    best wishes,
