Losing that belly



  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    Bad carbs like sugar and white flour just love to hang out around your belly!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Bad carbs like sugar and white flour just love to hang out around your belly!

  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Bad carbs like sugar and white flour just love to hang out around your belly!

    Agreed. Where it hangs out is almost entirely genetic.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    Getting rid of love handles of softness in your body (especially fatty prone areas like the belly) depends on body fat percentage - NOT the scale or BMI.

    Stuff like genetics will play a role of where you lose fat first/last (Men lose the stomach last - Woman lose the hips and bum last : Thank you evolution!) but if you really want to tighten stuff up then you are going to have to aim for a low body fat %. It is also a better indicator of health than the scale or BMI.

    Not true. My butt went first, thank you.

    Edited: The thank you was sarcastic. Just thought I'd make that clear :)
  • 228lrt
    228lrt Posts: 49 Member
    Check out the book wheat belly-I don't follow it totally but about 90%. It really helped me!
  • For some of us, it really matters what kind of foods we are eating within our allowance. For me, it's not as simple as calories in < calories burned. But, it is (almost) as simple as less carbs, more protein. Carbs and simple sugars create a bloat. Slowly changing my snacking habits away from carbs and towards nuts and cheese has made a big difference. (BTW: I'm not talking about carb free, just carb light.)

    More power to you!
  • Dude, you are trying to fix the hardest area there is to fix. You think if you do a bunch of crunches you'll cut fat. Well, one pound of fat is 3500, and even if I row on my rowing machine for 60 minutes at a constant pace, I only burn b/t 800 and 900 calories. Can you imagine how many cruches it would take to actually burn one pound of belly fat??!!?? The only real way to bust belly fat is to run sprints or do the equivalent of sprinting in the weight room, which means circuit training. Running long distance burns calories, which is great for your health, but your heart rate needs to be in the fat-burning zone. So sprints and circuit training involving a variety of lifts, abs, and cardio exercises like jumping rope is your best bet for burning that blasted belly fat!