I weigh what???? Fml

Really need to get my energy up and drag my *kitten* to the gym,.....which in itself would be a cardio event because I'd be dragging 167 pounds!!
I weigh too much for only 5'2,,,,,,,,, and feel uncomfortable in everything but my bed these days. Why can't I stick to a plan ???????? Help,.....anyone


  • goncalvesca1
    i feel your pain. i wish there was a magic pill i could take to have strong willpower.

    try not to focus on the less successful days. just remind yourself that tomorrow is a new day, and don't let yourself get sucked under into negative thinking. if you can't get to the gym maybe start with a short walk in your neighborhood, or a few floor exercises in front of your sofa. little steps in the right direction!
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    do it.. im the same height, 5´2¨ and that never stopped me!
  • laynunugawa
    laynunugawa Posts: 108 Member
    One thing that I have learned through my weight loss journey is that you are your worst enemy. It truly comes down to how much you want it and don't think, just do. Believe me I was dealing with major depression until one day I just started moving. A walk here, some jumping jacks there and watching what I ate helped a lot. You are the only person that can make things happen and remember to be patient and give yourself time.

    I also have a thyroid problem so getting out of bed was a problem for awhile, feeling tired and depressed was not how I wanted to live so i just got up and took it one day at a time.....now I dont even think about it
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    You have to want it more than anything. You have to love yourself and value your health and life. I learned this after a stay in ICU for blood clots in my legs. Every time I want to stay in bed I think about the pain and shame of weighing over 200 pounds. Get out of bed and get moving! Now! Good Luck!
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    Step one. Shoes on.
    Step 2... Grab car keys and leave the house.

    Seriously, that is the hardest part. I am not trying to be mean. I started at 159. I am 5'2 and am 130 now. You can do it! Don't restrict yourself too much and in a few weeks the weight will start coming off and you will feel amazing!
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Jog in place while you watch tv.
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    167 is about what I weighed when I started learning about weightloss for reals in 2006. I'm 5'1".
    it seems like a million miles to any kind of weight loss. I'm down 40lbs but it's been trial and error and ups and downs. I don't stick to plans very well.

    My best advice to you (what it's what I tell myself) is just keep trying.

    Imma send a request to you - we probably have similar goals so maybe we can help eachother out :)
  • Betterdaily
    Betterdaily Posts: 11 Member
    One thing that I have learned through my weight loss journey is that you are your worst enemy. It truly comes down to how much you want it and don't think, just do. Believe me I was dealing with major depression until one day I just started moving. A walk here, some jumping jacks there and watching what I ate helped a lot. You are the only person that can make things happen and remember to be patient and give yourself time.

    I also have a thyroid problem so getting out of bed was a problem for awhile, feeling tired and depressed was not how I wanted to live so i just got up and took it one day at a time.....now I dont even think about it

    Great advice thank you,....I do need the one day at a time approach,....I get motivated and plan two week menus,....the classes I plan to do at the gym,...etc then only manage two days before choking on goos intentions!!
  • Betterdaily
    Betterdaily Posts: 11 Member
    167 is about what I weighed when I started learning about weightloss for reals in 2006. I'm 5'1".
    it seems like a million miles to any kind of weight loss. I'm down 40lbs but it's been trial and error and ups and downs. I don't stick to plans very well.

    My best advice to you (what it's what I tell myself) is just keep trying.

    Imma send a request to you - we probably have similar goals so maybe we can help eachother out :)

    Awesome thank you
  • Betterdaily
    Betterdaily Posts: 11 Member
    Step one. Shoes on.
    Step 2... Grab car keys and leave the house.

    Seriously, that is the hardest part. I am not trying to be mean. I started at 159. I am 5'2 and am 130 now. You can do it! Don't restrict yourself too much and in a few weeks the weight will start coming off and you will feel amazing!

    Very tru,...and I know how good it feels after a workout,.actually like the gym!!!
  • Betterdaily
    Betterdaily Posts: 11 Member
    You have to want it more than anything. You have to love yourself and value your health and life. I learned this after a stay in ICU for blood clots in my legs. Every time I want to stay in bed I think about the pain and shame of weighing over 200 pounds. Get out of bed and get moving! Now! Good Luck!

    Glad to hear you overcame a health scare!!!. I do need to work on priorities and try putting myself first,.....something I am planning for the new yr
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    I'm guessing you haven't stuck to it before because you've been over-restrictive or overzealous when starting out with exercise. Take it slow - first order of the day is to change your weightloss goal to 1lb rather than the 2lb a week you probably set it at :P
  • dmh0204
    I get overwhelmed by plans. I mean, I love to plan, but it sounds like neither one of us can stick to one. What I try to tell myself is that I don't have to have a plan to run X miles a week or lift weights Y times. All I need to do is go for a run right now. That way, you are only taking on what you can handle in the here and now--one run, or one class, or one bicep curl. And when you do go work out, celebrate how great you are doing! I agree with other posts that sometimes all you need to do is put on your work out clothes and shoes, and you are half way toward your goal.

    Remember, even a 10 minute run is better than sitting on the couch.
  • Betterdaily
    Betterdaily Posts: 11 Member
    Exactly iron animal,.......I go hard right out the gate and do ridiculous things like telling myself I like and will eat only salad ??!
    I logically know that this time I need to make lifestyle changes because there is nothing magically that can help me,...it's just work and patience.
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    I hate it when people say just have some willpower and use portion control. If I could do that I wouldn't be here. I have to plan around my eating habits. I like to boredom eat so i keep low cal and portion controlled snacks around. I also plan activities where food is secondary/ where it will be difficult to eat. I don't deny myself anything but I do think about the choices. Do I really want that fast food breaded and fried chicken sandwich that I love so much at the expense of extra gym time? Some days I go over on calories. The next day I try not to. I make sure to log everything. I forgive myself not being perfect and know that all stats reset at midnight. New day.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Exactly iron animal,.......I go hard right out the gate and do ridiculous things like telling myself I like and will eat only salad ??!
    I logically know that this time I need to make lifestyle changes because there is nothing magically that can help me,...it's just work and patience.
    If there's a particular food you want to enjoy, allow yourself to have it once a week on a Saturday or Sunday, or whenever fits in best. If you don't want to eat salad, don't. I'm not a rabbit; I don't enjoy it either - I just make an effort to have some veg with dinner and some fruit earlier in the day, where I would have had a chocolate bar before.

    Realising you don't need to attack 200% out of the gate is the hard part - the rest is easy from here. Small adjustments.
  • Betty_Canada
    Betty_Canada Posts: 85 Member
    Great advice thank you,....I do need the one day at a time approach,....I get motivated and plan two week menus,....the classes I plan to do at the gym,...etc then only manage two days before choking on good intentions!!

    One of the best things I've ever seen/read is one of the free Precision Nutrition videos where they talk about expecting to change everything at once.

    The trick to it seems to be (and I can attest to this), pick one thing you can change this week. One thing. One thing that is so stupidly easy that it seems ridiculous to contemplate, like taking a multivitamin, or eating something non-starchy for breakfast, or adding a piece of fruit to dinner. Just ONE thing, not all three of them!!

    Do that thing for two weeks. Let it become part of your routine.

    Then add something else. Maybe you want to have salad for lunch more often, so you make that a goal. It means you have to learn to make GOOD salad, with lots of veggies and some kind of protein (go Google Mark Sisson's Big *kitten* Salad, I'll wait...).

    Do that thing for two weeks. Let it become part of your routine.

    Maybe your next thing would be walking for fifteen minutes a day. Find a way to incorporate that; walk around the office, walk around the block, walk in place if you have to.

    Do that thing for two weeks. Let it become part of your routine.

    I'll admit, doing it this way won't make you lose fourteen pounds in ten days. But it does something more important than that. It makes the process manageable, and it makes it stop being overwhelming and scary.

    You can't unhinge your jaw to swallow the elephant whole. You have to chew one bite at a time.

    Next year I want to add strength training and try gluten free for a month. I'm already eating fairly healthy, and I walk about 40-45 minutes a day, plus shopping and carrying home 20-30 lbs of groceries once or twice a week. But I want to be strong. And I suspect that a lot of my inflammation and "arthritis" may be a mild gluten intolerance.

    But you really do have to break it down as far as you have to in order to overcome the fear of failure, and then change one habit at a time to overcome the inertia. I'm a procrastinator, and that's the only way I can make real, lasting change.

    Hope that helps.

  • capriciousmoon
    capriciousmoon Posts: 1,263 Member
    Find something active that you'll enjoy doing so you won't have such a hard time forcing yourself to do it.
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Try different things until you find something you love to do. Or try something you have always wanted to. Or just start walking! I am also only 5'2 and heavier than you (much heavier when I started) and I surf, bike, kayak, hike, etc and yes it is hard but I love it and it just gets easier the smaller and healthier you get! Break things into manageable chunks: too overwhelming to think about what you'll do and eat for the next 2 weeks? Plan for 2 days then if you are a planner but have a hard time staying motivated. And if you have a bad day, try not to be all or nothign about it-a bad day is okay, everyone has them, just eat well and exercise the rest of the week. :)
  • CountryStrongNicole
    Like many have said, you can't expect to change everything at once... taking it a step at a time is a better way to make things become a permanent change in habit.
    That said... I understand how hard it can be to motivate out the door to the gym or exercise at home. BUT everytime I have just done it... I know I feel great after and each time it has helped to motivate me to do it again the next day. I still have my tired days that I have to drag myself into my workout clothes and then actually workout... but just remember the euphoria of knowing you did it and the adrenaline rush that sets in when it's over. The best part is seeing the scale with a lower number blaring at me on a regular basis! You can do it too!!