
So this is my fourth day with this site and I am so impressed. I LOVE IT!! I don't know how, but I've already lost five pounds. I'm in shock lol. Anyways, anyone have comments or suggestions about the site and/or how to continue on the path to a healthier me? I look forward to hearing.

Oh, and I would love to hear how everyone is doing with their goals as well!!


  • rach89652

    This site is so awesome! I have only been at it for a couple of weeks. Its really a good place to be and the best part is that it's FREE! :) You should look into joining one of the groups. Everyone is so helpful and motivating!

    Good luck meeting your weight loss goals!

  • emmie305
    Rach, being free is def a major plus. I love that you are setting mini goals for yourself. That's a great idea!!
  • PinguimPraiero
    PinguimPraiero Posts: 48 Member
    Hello, Everyone!

    I have ventured to this site every now and then. I wanted to introduce myself with the hope that I can make some ifriends to help me stick to my new way of life!

    I am here hoping to learn more about nutrition concepts like veganism, home sprouting, and raw or living foods.

    Two days ago I suffered a terrible bout of food poisoning on the way home from an excursion of about 40 of us, who shared a kitchen. When I fell ill, I recalled all the yucky meat residue (can you say blood while thinking of food?) that would spill or splash while I was busy tidying up behind others. And, it was just three months ago I suffered another poisoning after eating an 'esfiha' made with a meat filling. Beyond the sickness, I fear things like parasites.

    So, I am trying something new.--veganism--although it is not a far jump for me. Oh, I am also interested in home-producing things like cooking oils and sweet butters.

    Enjoy Living!
  • AftonP
    AftonP Posts: 15
    I agree with Rach. Everyone on this site is helpful and are willing to motivate you. I enjoy this site and enjoy knowing I am not the only one struggling with my weight.
  • rach89652
    Yeah, there's nothing better than free! I took the idea from someone else's signature. It's awesome to look around at what other people are doing. There is a lot of help on this site!
  • marshakay77
    I just started on here a few days ago and enjoying it so far.