Top Heavy....

:blushing: I, like the majority of women in my family, carry my fat around my belly...and just a bit above that lol. My legs are still shapely, my arms not really flabby, and my butt is nonexistent. Why the description? I am having difficulty losing weight around my midsection. And it is not for lack of trying. I have googled, youtubed, and watched various core exercises. But I find myself unable to do a majority of them successfully due to my erm...blessings up top. I am sometimes able to complete ten to fifteen reps of standard crunches and side crunches, but the rest of the time my back feels like it is being squeezed between a trash compactor. I guess I am wondering if the other exercises I am attempting make any difference if I cannot do more than a few, and if I am doing them wrong...any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks guys! :happy:


  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    The belly is the hardest area to slim down...It goes away last, it is stubborn, and it puts up a tough fight. In 15 months I am down 50 lbs +, and my stomach is much, much smaller, but it is still there and is only now beginning to "deflate".
    You are going to have work hard, and be patient.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I'm a bit on the top heavy side myself. Down 75lbs and up from a DD to DDD-which is just awesomeness tied up with a bow :(

    Anyway, I'm confused. Maybe I'm thinking of crunches differently than what you're describing, but I'm not following how your back is getting squeezed?

    Also-although if you're trying to lose up top, I'm clearly not a role model (unfortunately), but you really can't spot reduce. So you can do all the core strengthening exercises you want (which is great), but that's not going to do anything to make the fat go away. You can only lose fat and when you do, it will undoubtedly come off first in the places about which you care the least. But eventually, it will go away. Eat fewer calories than you burn, try adding some cardio to the mix, and if you're concerned you're not doing exercises correctly-try to get a session with a trainer who can help you out and/or give you some modifications if your top really is getting in the way.

    Good luck
  • katekross
    katekross Posts: 463 Member
    :blushing: I, like the majority of women in my family, carry my fat around my belly...and just a bit above that lol. My legs are still shapely, my arms not really flabby, and my butt is nonexistent. Why the description? I am having difficulty losing weight around my midsection. And it is not for lack of trying. I have googled, youtubed, and watched various core exercises. But I find myself unable to do a majority of them successfully due to my erm...blessings up top. I am sometimes able to complete ten to fifteen reps of standard crunches and side crunches, but the rest of the time my back feels like it is being squeezed between a trash compactor. I guess I am wondering if the other exercises I am attempting make any difference if I cannot do more than a few, and if I am doing them wrong...any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks guys! :happy:

    We must have the same body! haha :)
  • Chewster001
    Chewster001 Posts: 201 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred worked pretty well for me... I'm similarly proportioned.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    How is your diet? You need to lose weight, which means calorie deficit. Exercise isn't necessary, proper eating is.
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    Simple - Eat less calories then you burn! Eventually you will lose it. Add in weight training and core exercises to help tone , but they will not remove the fat. You can have great strong abs and never see them after years of core workouts if your body fat % is to to high. Eat a healthy diet, exercise and eventually it will come.
  • Chewster001
    Chewster001 Posts: 201 Member
    Simple - Eat less calories then you burn! Eventually you will lose it. Add in weight training and core exercises to help tone , but they will not remove the fat. You can have great strong abs and never see them after years of core workouts if your body fat % is to to high. Eat a healthy diet, exercise and eventually it will come.
    Oh ya - I started with this and the majority of my weight loss was simply from watching what I was eating and cutting back on the calories. I had been eating thousands of calories regularly prior to joining MFP. I had no idea. Now I try to log everything.
    About a month in, I had lost 20 lbs with NO exercise. Then I decided to exercise and I got a lot cuter but the scale plateaued... So that's where I am... started a new HIIT exercise video yesterday and I keep plugging.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Simple - Eat less calories then you burn! Eventually you will lose it. Add in weight training and core exercises to help tone , but they will not remove the fat. You can have great strong abs and never see them after years of core workouts if your body fat % is to to high. Eat a healthy diet, exercise and eventually it will come.
    Oh ya - I started with this and the majority of my weight loss was simply from watching what I was eating and cutting back on the calories. I had been eating thousands of calories regularly prior to joining MFP. I had no idea. Now I try to log everything.
    About a month in, I had lost 20 lbs with NO exercise. Then I decided to exercise and I got a lot cuter but the scale plateaued... So that's where I am... started a new HIIT exercise video yesterday and I keep plugging.

    cuter > number on scale
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Exercise selection isn't the problem. Lose weight and have patience.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Sounds like you are an apple-shaped woman. You will keep this shape no matter how much weight you lose unless you have surgery. The good news is, as you slim down, EVERYTHING will slim down. So while you can't just lose weight on your belly, you will lose the fat there if you eat at a calorie deficit.