My success story 210 to 156

So I've been putting off posting my success story because I haven't really felt successful; but when looking through pictures and comparing this time last year to now I realized I've made quit a change. I know I couldn't have done it with out MFP. There's no way. Coming here ever day and seeing all these people with the same struggles as me. Seeing how everyone has come so far. Being held accountable for what I eat and being encouraged to get off my lazy butt and get active. When I felt discouraged and felt like my goals were impossible to reach I'd see success stories of people who had lost twice my goal and that would light a fire under me again. So thank you everyone! I couldn't have made it without y'all! I just hope my story can do for others what everyone's did for me.

Height: 5' 5.5"
Start Weight: 210+ ( started avoiding the scale once it started saying more than 200 :-/ )
Current Weight: 156
Original Goal: 150
New Goal: a very toned 145-140

How I got this far: Became active on MFP instead of visiting every now and then and Cut out cokes (sodas, pops, colas....whatever y'all call them ;-) )and sweet tea as my new year resolution. Decided I felt so good after doing that to not drink anything but water, ever. Then we called it quits on fast food. You'd be amazed at how great that will make you feel. Started adding more fruits and veggies and making a conscience effort to be more active. I love sweet stuff though so I never deprive myself of things. If I want a cookie I have a cookie I just stop at one or two where I used to would have eaten 10 Lol!

I'm most definitely a work in progress but I can finally say I'm proud of how far I've come.



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