overcoming my Horrible perception of my body image

Seriously i need to get over the fact that i look awkward.
How do you guys do it......... fall in love with the body god gave you??

Ive always compare myself to others.......... i feel so out of proportion, im thin on top and bottom heavy.
Ive just been able to rock a pair of denim shorts, put on 20 kilos with baby, ive lost 16 kilo so far. 5 kilo on here, another 4 to go.

I just wanna feel at ease with who i am and what i look llike?? my thighs scare me...... LOL they do there huge, i just wanna be able to accept them and move past it.


  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Most women have body image issues and constantly compare themselves to other women.
    It's hard but you have to stop. I still do it, but I've learned that doing it isn't going to make me feel better about myself. Eating right and exercising and self-love are going to do that.

    Instead of focusing on the flaws, focus on what you DO like about your body. You have to make the decision to feel confident.
  • lukester19
    lukester19 Posts: 72 Member
    Well you have already made great progress so far. You have lost 16 kilo's so far and that is awesome! Be happy for that progress.You can only give what you have, so try to give love and you will get love in return. You will find that after doing this it will become a habit and automatic. Those thighs that have scared you might even start disappearing because whatever your resist persists, and what you focus on strengthens. One thing that has helped me is write in gratitude once in a while. Once you write what you are grateful for with your body and life, you will feel so good that even when you return to the thought of your thighs there will be such a difference in how you feel. The thought might not even bother you because you feel so good at the moment. Heck you might even be inspired instead of motivated to work out on those thighs or exercise!