Running on treadmill vs outside



  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I hate running on treadmills. So boring I just want to stop after 2 miles. Don't know how people do the treadmill thing

    It is extremely boring. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) helps with the monotony. I also must have fast-paced music I love.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    I can run longer outside, because the boredom running on a treadmill is beyond description.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I can actually go longer on a treadmill typically because it's flat. When I was in a similar situation I would adjust the incline on the treadmill to between 1% and 2% to better account for the feel of being on the road. It really helped when it came time for the race. Good luck!

    This is what I do if I can't get outside for whatever reason.
  • jellebeandesigns
    jellebeandesigns Posts: 347 Member
    My mill is stuck at a 1.5 incline and it's harder than running outside, I tend to prefer dark runs outside. Well any runs outside but if your mill gets stuck at that incline you will learn to run in challenging circumstances. I live in Colorado do my life is pretty much on an incline any way
  • KirstenTheFamilyCoach
    I think maybe I might be considering the possibiity of maybe thinking about training for a possible 1/2. Maybe. We'll see. I live where it's wet and cold and rainy a lot of the time. This makes running outside, even with the correct gear, hard because the ground is slippery and the last thing I need to do is hurt myself. (I'm old - I injure easily and heal slowly).

    So here's what I've learned so far:
    *Be flexible and check the weather. Run outside when you can
    *Have two available routes each run - one loop and one out/back so you can adjust when the weather takes an unexpected turn.
    *Get the right gear and stay warm (ears and fingers are super important!)
    *Layer and have places along your route your can stop and shed. Being too warm is as uncomfortable as too cold.
    *Waterproof your iPhone/FitBit.
    *When running on the treadmill choose the "rolling hills" option always (a steady incline does not actually feel the same as running outside). This will automatically have the machine adjusting your incline.
    *Remember that the treadmill is keeping your pace very differently than you will when you are outside so don't beat yourself up if your pace totally changes outside.
    *Just because the treadmill is easy to hop off of when you are feeling tired and "done" doesn't mean you can't keep going. If you were outside running and 6 miles away from home you'd find the energy to get back - don't let the fact that you can stop at any time be your decider.
  • manhn1
    manhn1 Posts: 137 Member
    I do 97.5% of my running on a treadmill and completed my first half marathon in September. My race time was significantly faster in terms of minutes per mile than on the treadmill. I was pleased with my time. Maybe it was due to the adrenaline of a race.

    I also have to admit than when I'm on a treadmill I'm too lazy to push buttons so I don't necessarily push myself to the absolute max when it comes to speed (just more buttons to push). When you run outdoors, it's easier to slow or quicken your pace. For a treadmill, I tend to stay at the same pace for the entire duration of my workout.
  • czmmom
    czmmom Posts: 236 Member
    I can run longer outside, because the boredom running on a treadmill is beyond description.

    This for me too!! I started c25k on the treadmill and when I took it outside I had to go back to week 4 or 5 and go from there. Treadmill running is so different from outdoor running. I love running outside. I will do the elliptical during the week when its dark and run outside on the weekends during the day.
  • spa9177
    spa9177 Posts: 327 Member
    I hate the treadmill! Its boring and no fun! Run outside the scenery is way better and the smell of fresh air gives you more energy. I live in the country and have a lot of farms so it's nice to see those cows, horses, and chickens, looking at me when I run.
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    I prefer outside but get stuck indoors with winter. I set the treadmill at 1.0.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    To me they're different animals. I do both, particularly in the winter.

    Do as much training as you like on the treadmill, but like one of the other posters said, set a slight incline to help make it more like road running. I did all of my half marathon training one winter on a treadmill. I've done a handful of halfs, and I would say road training is better than treadmill training, but that doesn't make the treadmill training bad. It was suuuuuper boring doing 2 hr slow pace long runs on a treadmill though... I fell in love with audiobooks.

    Anyway, just get on the road at some point before you do a race. The mechanics, surface hardness, hills, road embankment, etc all make a difference and during a race is never the time to try something new. If you like found c25k on the 'mill, by all means keep at it. Don't let anyone tell you its sub par. Its still a very good workout.
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    15 miles is my longest treadmill run to date, which seems to shock a lot of people. lol While I prefer to run outside (more to see... keep the mind preoccupied) sometimes circumstances don't always allow. I'm fortunate enough to be able to put my headphones in and get lost in my music, so the time goes by quicker when on the "hamster wheel". Not gonna lie, dancing to the music is a little trickier on the treadmill. haha But I do road train when I can. I've done 1 Half Marathon, but had some severe knee problems... which made that the most painful experience of my life (to date). But, after some physical therapy, I can now run a comfortable 10+ miles outside, and I have my 2nd Half and 1st Full Marathons in January. :)

    Your brother and mom are right, don't run in unlit streets after dark if you're running alone. If you run at night, don't wear headphones, carry mace/pepper spray, make sure you have your phone on you, and run in well lit & highly populated areas.

    You'll rock your 10K!! Keep it up, girl!