Fat Girl in Denial & Don't Know Where to Start!



  • kristenleewarren
    you can do it! you made the best choice, actually deciding to do something! my advice.. eat well and exercise :) obvious, but hard to follow sometimes. everyones definition of 'eating well' is different, so find what works for you. also, i added you :)
  • skinnybitchbarbie27
    I manage a curves, co-own a curves, and currently have lost 102lbs with them. Contact me ;)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    You've come to the right place to start. When I first started out on my path to a healthier and fitter me, I initially didn't change anything...but I started logging everything I ate. Once I saw it on paper, I was appalled at what I was putting into my body on a regular basis. From there, it was basically baby steps...cutting this out or that...picking up an orange here and there instead of the orange soda...brown bagging it a couple of times a week instead of eating out...bringing healthier snacks to work with me rather than running to the vending machine. As those weeks past, I began to eat healthier and healthier...brown bagging it twice a week turned into an everyday thing...fruits, vegetable, and whole grains soon displaced my potato chips, candy bars, and sodas. Before I knew it, I was eating a pretty healthy diet and feeling great, even though I hadn't lost a single pound...that's when I took a long look in the mirror and decided that I not only wanted to be healthier from a nutritional standpoint, but also a healthy weight and fit.

    Having already made some big steps towards better dietary decisions, I found it pretty easy to take the next step and start cutting the calories. Along with this, I rediscovered my passion for running and resistance training. I'm now training for a 5K...most of my resistance training currently is in the form of body weight calisthenics, but I'm at the point where I feel comfortable hitting the gym again and lifting and genuinely looking forward to it. Before all of this,I had gotten very lazy...I was always tired and sluggish. I have a long way to go on my journey, but I'm feeling better than I have in years...I'm excited...I'm more than excited, I'm totally pumped. Once you get rolling, it gets addictive...at least it has for me.
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    If your hungry all the time your doing it wrong. What your looking to do is make sustainable long term changes. If your constantly hungry you will eventually fail. You will need to eat at a deficit to lose weight but eventually you'll be able to eat more and be able to maintain. Don't try to lose to much to fast. You didn't put it on in a month, you won't get it off in a month.

    Learn what is in your food and how many calories it is. This is a key to long term weight loss. I know I was shocked when I had a jimmy johns slim sub. It was 400 calories. That is meat and bread only, no cheese, no condiments. My meal came with a cookie. The cookie was 410 calories. I didn't eat the cookie. I started making healthier choices and it wasn't long before I craved the healthier choices. I can't eat a burger at Mcdonals any more. I tried to eat one of my kids a couple weeks ago after she barely touched it and I couldn't stomach it. Eat lots of fruits and veggies. Try to avoid processed foods, cut back on eating out and stay out of the freezer meal section at the grocery store. If you must eat out look for their healthier options. It cost more to buy fresh food but it will probably be cheaper than eating out all the time.
  • minibee12
    you can do it! you made the best choice, actually deciding to do something! my advice.. eat well and exercise :) obvious, but hard to follow sometimes. everyones definition of 'eating well' is different, so find what works for you. also, i added you :)

    Thanks Kristen!
  • Unbruisedpeach
    Unbruisedpeach Posts: 40 Member
  • marias2gaa
    marias2gaa Posts: 118 Member

    I'm MeMe. I'm 22 years old, 5'5 and 188 lbs. I know I need to lose weight but I have ZERO clue what to do, what to eat, how often or how long to work out. Admittedly, I'm lazy, I eat tons of fast food and at the most I work out twice a week for 30 minutes at Curves.

    I need help!

    Give up fast food. cook more at home. It will save you money and calories. Treat urself once a week to it. lots of water and at least 1 hour a day of wrk outs 5 days a week
  • minibee12
    All these tips were awesome! Thank you all for the super warm welcome! I'm happy to get started.
  • Lacey_Cakes
    Lacey_Cakes Posts: 223 Member
    You're in the right place to start. Try to cut out things like fast food and soda, even if it's baby steps. Also, this thread was pretty helpful for me. Check it out.


    Feel free to add me if you like as well. :)

    I lost 10 lbs in a lil lover a week when I cut out soda and about 5 when I cut out cheese (i used to work in a deli). You never know how the little things help
  • msbunnie68
    msbunnie68 Posts: 1,894 Member
    Hi MeMe :)

    My advice? Take the time to sit down and look in the food database at the foods you eat all the time. Have a look at the calories they contain and then you can make a decision - should I eat that? If so, how MUCH of that should I eat? Knowledge is power. Knowing how many calories are in your favourite foods is a huge step towards being able to manage your intake.

    Read the roadmap thread - don't cheat yourself of food or restrict yourself so much that it is unsustainable. We need to be happy as well as healthy. x
  • minibee12
    thanks you guys!