
mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I am thinking of switching from Splenda to Truvia.. Do you use Truvia? How does it taste? Perhaps I need to just uses Stevia.. Any thoughts??


  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    I just recently found Zevia which is made w/ Stevia. I really like it! I"m not a big soda drinker or anything but to me it tastes more like flavored sparkling water. I haven't had it in its raw state..?

    I bought the Zevia to make cupcakes.... DELICIOUS! ended up being about 65 cals per cup cake (it only made 16)
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    sorry it double posted, deleted to make smaller
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I use both, but I prefer Truvia. It has a granular texture that is more similar to sugar, but it pretty much tastes like Splenda. I like the idea of stevia being naturally from a plant, so I'm more inclined to use it. Tastes great to me! I have never baked with it or anything like that, I just use it to sweeten greek yogurt or my grapefruit. I also put it in coffee.
  • Cassaaaaandra
    Cassaaaaandra Posts: 184 Member
    I personally don't use artificial sugar. I've been at the bedside to diabetes and cancer if I had a choice: I choose diabetes. But really if you are diet conscious a coke with real sugar once in a while won't hurt anything. If it tastes bad at first and is something you have to get used me it sounds like a bad idea.

    BUT, my mother has a stevia plant. The leaves are soooo sweet. She makes sun tea and puts the leaves in with the tea and lemon slices = AWESOME and only a couple of calories if that. :drinker:
  • I switched from pure Stevia to Truvia and have been very satisfied. The taste is good and the price difference is wonderful!
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    I like truvia, to me its about the same as splenda, so whats ever on sale, I buy.
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    Truvia's good. Actually it's the only non-sugar sweetner I can stand. I could never adapt to sacchrin, splenda, or asperatame (sp?), I think if all food was sweetened with those sweetners I'd lose a lot of weight simply from starvation. To me, it's like a gazillion times better tasting than splenda, but it's much more expensive. I'm not sure when the stevia based sweetners will get cheaper but I think it'll take some time.
  • I use Agave nectar. I have done a lot of reading on it and it does not seem to affect your blood sugar that much. I tried Stevia before it hit the grocery store shelves and it was so sweet that it hurt my tongue. Another good source I have used is Xylitol. Found in the health food store. You can bake with it and use it spoon for spoon like sugar. Not a chemical.
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    . ...

    BUT, my mother has a stevia plant. The leaves are soooo sweet. She makes sun tea and puts the leaves in with the tea and lemon slices = AWESOME and only a couple of calories if that. :drinker:

    Your mother's got a Stevia plant? Where does she live, is it possible to get one in Chicago? I thought they only live in certain climates. I'd love to have one of those plants in the house and use the leaves for my daily tea.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    . ...

    BUT, my mother has a stevia plant. The leaves are soooo sweet. She makes sun tea and puts the leaves in with the tea and lemon slices = AWESOME and only a couple of calories if that. :drinker:

    Your mother's got a Stevia plant? Where does she live, is it possible to get one in Chicago? I thought they only live in certain climates. I'd love to have one of those plants in the house and use the leaves for my daily tea.

    Burpee sells them - you can have a houseplant... :bigsmile:
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    I have tried Stevia in the past as well as Agave and like both. I found that I was going through the Agave too quickly in my household.

    I will certainly check out growing the stevia plant.. Thanks for the info!!!!

    As anyone grown one indoors?
  • Stevia is great ..sweeter than sugar so it goes a long way and its NATURAL! Splenda contains aspartame, which is, if everyone didn't know already FORMELDAHYDE! Yes, what they use to embalm dead bodies. .SO you are basically preserving fat cells in your body. Also, anything sweetened with Splenda, Nutrasweet, Equal or Sweet N Low has the effect to make you want more than a serving. The problem with all 'diet' food, really. You're better off drinking soda with cane sugar or eating regular, NON sugar-free foods. Sugar free does not mean fat free, and the other way around. Sugar free drinks and food tend to be higher in fat, whereas fat free foods are higher in sugar. .you just have to chose your evil. That all being said, if you realize you're losing weight but you still have cellulite or fat in weird places, its because of the artificial sweeteners preserving it! Oh and aspartame is known to cause cancer. Stevia on the other hand is natural. It may cost a little more but its definitely worth it! Just don't use too much or it has a bitter taste. I buy the packets. .a half packet is about as sweet as a teaspoon of sugar. Or you can buy the liquid drops, they dissolve quickly so they're great in drinks! Whew, that was a lot!
  • Cassaaaaandra
    Cassaaaaandra Posts: 184 Member
    We live in KY and I don't know where the plant was bought. She's a hairdresser and it was a give from one of her clients.
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    If you are going to make a change, make the change. Don't switch to something designed to "fake" your body into thinking it can eat the same things, but science has just taken out the calories.

    I HIGHLY encourage everyone to pick up the following books by Michael Pollan: "In Defense of Food", "The Omnivore's Dilema", and "Food Rules." Also rent the documentary "Food, Inc." If you haven't made a change before these, you'll totally change the way you look at food in America. Warning some parts will make you feel icky for the things you buy every day...:P
  • I've Truvia, but to me it has a bad aftertaste. I prefer Splenda, but I'll use either one.
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