Too Few Calories? HELP

Hello everyone,
I have a question. I eat till i am satisfied and thats its. everyday on MFP it tells me i am eating too few calories. Will it affect my life change, weight loss, etc? I don't know if i should listen to when my body is full or if i should eat all of my calories excluding back calories?


  • crazylovergrl
    crazylovergrl Posts: 97 Member
    forcing food down is a bad idea in the long run. it can cause a lapse in your hunger mechanisms, which could lead to icky things down the line. eat when you're hungry and your body will adjust within a month or so!
  • Incorporate nutritious calorie dense food like avacados and nuts. Your body needs healthy fats and this will help get you to your calorie goal.
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,923 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I have a question. I eat till i am satisfied and thats its. everyday on MFP it tells me i am eating too few calories. Will it affect my life change, weight loss, etc? I don't know if i should listen to when my body is full or if i should eat all of my calories excluding back calories?

    It would help if you opened up your food log so we can take a peek at what's going on...if you are eating too low it can affect your metabolism and since you are 19 I'm pretty sure you don't want that to happen. Eating different foods, more calorie dense ones, might be better in the long run, to make sure you are nourishing your body enough.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    As long as your getting close and you feel completely healthy then it shouldn't be an issue. If you feel very concerned talk to a doctor or nutritionist and see what they have to say. Also if you find you are not getting enough food to cover all your dietary intake you should supplement for what you regularly miss.

    I am severely lactose intolerant so I have to highly supplement with Vitamin D and Calcium which I found before I supplemented I didn't feel as good. So just watch yourself and stay healthy.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    On topic: Opening your diary will be helpful but if you're lower than your goal, do what other said add avocado or nuts, eat PB on your toast (if you eat toast) or on your apple/banana/whatever you want to put it on. Instead of non-fat yogurt, go with 1% or 2%

    Off topic: I'm jealous of your hair. I want long wavy hair like that =]
  • Mgetsfit
    Mgetsfit Posts: 27 Member
    I also think listen to your body is important, but sometimes our bodies lost their natural sense for what and how much is good for us when we are used to bad eating habits.
    As long as you don't go very low all the time (the argument where to draw the line is endless, I think less than 1200 is too low if it's everyday) and you feel good, do what makes you feel good :)
  • I will open my diary when i figure out how :) I do eat calorie dense foods and i also do make sure to get in my amino acids/healthy fats I do this through peanut butter, sunflower seeds, avacado's and flax seed. I also take a fish oil supplement. Like last night i had a breakfast burrito:
    I had lean steak
    Egg whites
    Red potato
    and a flour tortilla (do to the fact i ran out of wheat.) so I am eating heavier foods along with lighter foods.
  • On topic: Opening your diary will be helpful but if you're lower than your goal, do what other said add avocado or nuts, eat PB on your toast (if you eat toast) or on your apple/banana/whatever you want to put it on. Instead of non-fat yogurt, go with 1% or 2%

    Off topic: I'm jealous of your hair. I want long wavy hair like that =]
    ohh. I love you thank you haha :)
    my hair is for sure my favorite thing about me.
    I do eat peanut butter, sunflower seeds, avocado's, flax seed. and take a fish oil supplement. So im already making sure to get my healthy fats :)
  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    Incorporate nutritious calorie dense food like avacados and nuts. Your body needs healthy fats and this will help get you to your calorie goal.

    ^^^^ THIS

    examples...put almonds and/or avacado on your salad....hummus...use olive oil when cooking(yes you count this in your calories)
    pesto is good.. there are lots of calorie dense foods out there :) google is your friend ..

    calorie dense= small amount of food with a high amount of calories
  • I have talked to doctors, i've had a weight problem since i was younger and everytime we would go they would mention my weight and it would make me sad because i've ate normal my entire life. I grew up playing soccer and on the softball team. So they tested my thyroid and that wasnt the problem either. I guess i'm just a special case :)
  • R0asted
    R0asted Posts: 83 Member
    forcing food down is a bad idea in the long run. it can cause a lapse in your hunger mechanisms, which could lead to icky things down the line. eat when you're hungry and your body will adjust within a month or so!

    If I never started "forcing food down" when I'm not hungry I'd still be 145 lbs. If you've been "listening to your body" and you're too skinny or too fat than maybe the signals your body is sending are WRONG. If you force yourself to eat more for a while your body might adjust and it won't feel like "forcing down food" after a couple of months.
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    Am I reading this right? You've been using MFP at least 8 months, lost 2 pounds and think you aren't eating enough calories?
  • sandradev1
    sandradev1 Posts: 786 Member
    MFP'r Helloitsdan has prepared information bringing together calculators advice and explanations on how to ensure that you are eating the correct amount of calories to ensure a successful and sustainable weight loss.

    The link is:
  • Am I reading this right? You've been using MFP at least 8 months, lost 2 pounds and think you aren't eating enough calories?

    Let me correct you. I have been a MEMBER for 8 months and fell off the wagon. I'm at the end of my first week back at it. Yes i've lost 2 pounds this week. And NO i'm not eating enough calories at least to MFP.
  • kristy6ward
    kristy6ward Posts: 332 Member
    If you consistently eat low calories your body becomes accustomed to functioning on that amount. You'll be forever stuck in the cycle of reducing your calories to lose weight until there's nothing left to reduce. Maybe you need to get your body accustomed to a higher amount of food so it doesn't hold on to every extra calorie with both hands. I've seen topics about this subject before...maybe look into the eat more to lose more thread.

    Also, since you're getting that warning, you must be eating under 1200 calories, perhaps you need to change your weight loss goal to something less than 2lb a week.
  • R0asted
    R0asted Posts: 83 Member
    Am I reading this right? You've been using MFP at least 8 months, lost 2 pounds and think you aren't eating enough calories?

    Let me correct you. I have been a MEMBER for 8 months and fell off the wagon. I'm at the end of my first week back at it. Yes i've lost 2 pounds this week. And NO i'm not eating enough calories at least to MFP.

    If you lost 2 lbs this week than yes, you are most likely not eating enough. You should be aiming for loosing about a pound a week. If you're loosing more than this than yes, you're not eating enough.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Am I reading this right? You've been using MFP at least 8 months, lost 2 pounds and think you aren't eating enough calories?

    You can't always be sure how long someone has been on here, or what troubles they have faced. So don't be too quick to judge, I mean I signed up last year and only started using this site very recently and I have had huge ups and downs in the last year.

    Anyways, your issue could be genetic? My genetics tell me I have no choice to be overweight but I am a hard enough worker thus far not to get 'obese' although I was very close very recently. My sister on the other hand, she has had such a hard time with her weight, it seems like no matter how hard she works or how healthy she eats (including nutritionists meal plans) she hasn't been able to lose a lot of weight. So truly genetics do have a hand in it.

    Forcing down food isn't a very good way to present eating more, just add small snacks to your diet to increase your intake to a good minimum and then keep up with your diet and exercise.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I eat my tdee - 20% = 1056 calories. I am doing just fine.
  • Thank you for the advice everyone. :)
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    a few rum and egg nogs should fix that.....