The Christmas Hiatus Begins

Well, over a year and 85 pounds later, it is time to have a little fun. I've been insanely strict with my diet for the past year or so -- even successfully navigating Thanksgiving on target, and it is time to take a break. I deserve it.

Looking forward to about a week and a half of enjoying time with family and good (or bad, depending on how you look at it) food without thinking about calories for a change. Christmas, coupled with a move halfway across the country with the ability to sample food from areas I haven't visited before will be a nice break and will give me a good springboard to get back on track with the new lifestyle in the new year.

So bring it on Christmas -- I'm ready for some fudge, Christmas cookies, peppermint bark, turkey, dressing, pecan pie, trash, and anything else you can throw at me. Then back at it once I get moved into the new place at the beginning of 2013.
