This seems like a great place

edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all. I was referred to this site by my wife. The more I lounge here, the more I discover how useful and inspiring it is. Like many, I tend to overeat. Been that way since I was a kid, but back then, the weight stayed off no problem, like everyone else. Now, as I've gotten just a bit older, and not as active as I once was, it has stuck like glue. I've been on my new lifestyle change since Tuesday morning. I've been eating less, and been trying to be more active. Instead of driving to the store, or driving to pick up the kids from school, I walk. I started off at 230 and my first long term goal, is to get down to 180. I play baseball in the spring and summer, and have not been as productive as I would like to be. As an outfielder, the extra weight has me diving for balls I would normally be able to get under with ease when I'm at a normal weight. Diving is not good as I banged up my knee pretty good last season, good enough to kill the season for me. I hope to learn and get inspiration from anyone and hopefully return the favor.


  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Welcome. :)
  • Welcome. I too play sport (volleyball) and as life went on i started to put the pounds on and this year I decided to have my mid life crisis (in a good way) and made the effort to eat less and healthier. I have also started to go to the gym more. Some days it is hard to get motivated to go but I always feel much better after I finish a good work out. I have about 12 weeks to reach my goal of losing 28-35 pounds in total. And the good news is that after my weigh in this morning I have already lost 13lbs. A few more weeks and I will have reached the half way mark :-)
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I love this site. When I was younger, I would go on a diet and lose the weight by myself with no problem. As I get older that part is harder. I considered weight watchers but didn't really feel right paying all the money for that. The tools here have helped me truly figure out how many calories I need and held me accountable for what I eat. It's great because I plan out my whole day's food before I go to work. I'm never hungry (seems like I'm eating all the time). Knowing what I'm eating that day keeps me from breaking down and snacking on the goodies they always seem to have at work.
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