Whats up all

I am a 20 year old male and I am technically healthy no issues with blood pressure, diabetes or cholesterol. I am currently around 315, I was 325 in September. I was introduced to this site by a friend of mine and it is working for him.

I am trying to not change my diet much as it is decently balanced. I started a gym membership at bally's. but going 4 times a week I hardly lost weight I just bulked up which made me appear slimmer. I have a problem over heating so I dont want to look slimmer I want to be slimmer. My current goal is 250 as I am 6'2 and all body so I feel like that is a good weight to strive for.


  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    You're description sounds just like my fiancee. He overheats easily, doesn't look like he weighs as much as the scale says, and when he does work out consistently, he just seems to gain on the scale all the while looking slimmer. I'm not sure of your situation, but my man does have a thyroid issue. He has to take levothyroxine to keep it in check; that is a synthetic thyroid hormone. Since we are amidst an insurance issue, he has to ration his medication and when he is off of it, his weight and blood sugar, as well as, his hunger will vary. He is only 5' 8" and weighs 262. But, he really doesn't look like it...he wears a 38" waist jeans but is huge in his shoulders.

    Sorry for the left-field commentary. Back to you. Welcome and I think this site will help you achieve the goals you would like. Just take it slow and healthy. There is lots of great advice here. We are a fun bunch o' people with the same ultimate goal in mind, so please don't be afraid to express yourself, ask questions, give advice, or just plain ol' tell us to kick rocks and pound sand...(that almost sounds like a challenging workout)!!!

  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Hi. Welcome to MFP. :)