
Niques081086 Posts: 3 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I joined yesterday and this site looks amazing!!!!!

i'm 23 years old and live in the Caribbean. You can call me Niques

my end goal is 145.....currently i'm 176
I'll be using this site for sure!!!!
yall look sooo supportive


  • New here too. Welcome! I am excited about using this site, should be very helpful on our weight loss journey.
  • Your current and end goal aren't too different from mine and I'm 22 from England. I started at 183.5 just about 4 weeks ago so I'm loving the results. It's a great diet if you can stick to it ... I let myself have a blow out last week for valentines and still maintained my weight. xxx
  • meljo
    meljo Posts: 2
    We are on the same page girl. We have the same goals. I'm so excited about this site. Good luck!!!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    meme and niques -

  • welcome meme and niques! I over the last year I have been working with a trainer, who takes it slow, but encourages all the way! I also have been journaling on and off during that time. When I journal on this site, it is amazing how quickly the weight just comes off! It's a great site! If you and or your dr think the numbers are not correct, you can customize it to what you need or want! :happy: Hope to see that your doing well. I am wanting to drop my last 10 lbs!! Here's to keeping going!
  • flbeachbuddy
    flbeachbuddy Posts: 77 Member

    I agree that journalling is great - I don't do it enough, but find that it can be a great substitute for snacking! Keeps my mind and hands busy.

    I have found this site to be wonderful. Where before I would have just given up because I had a bad day, this site keeps me going. Slow, but sure...

    How's the weather in the Caribbean? And in England?
  • amk44
    amk44 Posts: 159
    Welcome. I tried a couple other sites, but for me this one was my Magic Feather (love those Disney movies from my childhood)! This site has kept me on track and motivated me to persevere. I'm able to easily record what I eat here, and to even check foods before eating them to try to stay within my caloric goal. My weight loss has been slow and at some times plateaus, but I like losing slow and steady. Like you, I started at about 173 pounds, but now when I step on my scale and see 153, it gives me a moment to celebrate. (I do step on my scale every morning, instead of once a week, and sometimes it's a little up, sometimes it's the same, and then there's those woohoo days when it is down a little.) Originally I had hoped "dreamed" I could get down to 150, but didn't believe it was possible. Now that I'm 153 pounds, I have reset my goal to 140. Most tables say I should be about 135 at the most, but I'm a country girl from German stock and want to be realistic. Anyway, I'm sending you a big Illinois welcome! I'm a 65 yr old grandma and if this site can help me, then imagine what it can do for you young ladies (and gents)!!! :O) EYD
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Welcome and the best of luck to you. Make some friends and log everything that passes your lips. Would you like to join our Skinny Saturday Challenge? Look in the Motivation and Support Forums. It's going to be a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • Niques081086
    Niques081086 Posts: 3 Member
    the weather in the caribbean is hot right now!!!! soo hott, thank god for air conditioning at times!!!

    it's hott but beautiful never the less!

    you should all come visit someday when we are all hottt in our bikinis!! :)

    Thanks for the warm welcomes!
    means soooo much
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