Fell off the wagon a bit, in need of some encouragement



  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Way to go on seeking mental health help-that is a huge step and I think that feeling mentally better will probably help things fall into place with working on your physical health. :) Some meds do affect weight so beware of that. However, if you are tracking your food and getting exercise, you should be able to balance it out if weight gain is a side effect of any of your meds. Accept that you are going to have up and down days-EVERYBODY does, no matter what their situation is. And in "real" life (i.e. when you are a healthy weight-maybe that is not the right term but that's what I use), you are going to have days once in a while where you eat too much junk food and/or don't exercise-and that's okay! As long as it is not your regular trend.

    I am also 5'2 and weigh 194. I have gone up and down a fair bit in my adult life and due to an injury have had very little exercise for a few months so I have gained-but I just keep plugging along (this time of year makes for some bad food choices!). You'll do it too! :)

    The C25K is a great suggestion, I too have asthma and that is how I got my body ready for running. You may also find that doing things like decreasing dairy (or at least not having any before running), drinking more water, avoiding mushrooms, taking your preventive puffer on a daily (or twice daily, whatever your prescription is) basis really help with that. And the C25K is designed to be a guideline-so if you find it is too much at first, then shorten your running periods, lengthen your walking periods, or repeat days until you feel ready to progress! :) When you complete it then you can try the Bridge to 10K, it's a great way to start adding more time and distance, and then there are programs to keep building from there!
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    I found this motivator called "Weight loss Jars" The concept of the jars is to get two jars, label one "weight to lose" and "weight lost" fill the "weight to lose jar" with beads or beans and have one bead represent one lb you want to lose and transfer the beads over into the other jar as you start to lose weight. I started doing this and I like it, it gives me a visual of what I have accomplished so far and I do get excited when I get to transfer over any beads


    GREAT idea!
  • SeaJenni
    SeaJenni Posts: 211 Member
    Someone once said, if you forgot to take a shower one day, would you say "oh well, I blew it, guess I'll stop showering"? Or do you wake up the next day and take a shower?
    You can very easily recover from your slip by simply starting again. Nothing drastic needed :-)

    ^^Good perspective. Thanks for this.^^
  • flyersrule17a
    flyersrule17a Posts: 54 Member
    It's a great feeling to wake up to all these motivational comments on my thread. I LOVE the idea of the weight loss jars. I think seeing it visually that way when I can't always see it on my body will help keep me motivated. Also, I am going to be trying the C25K program. It seems like something manageable with my asthma. My husband and I are planning to purchase a treadmill after the holidays. I am also going to be adding some kettlebell and medicine ball training as I want to build up muscle mass without becoming too cut [I like my curves and having a *little* meat on my bones]. I think I'm back on the right track for now. Thanks again to everyone for your kind words and motivation. Sometimes I need the push to keep going.
  • Alexandria1213
    Alexandria1213 Posts: 152 Member
    I spent the money on buying an expensive treadmill and honestly I don't ever use it. Ironically, I rather use the one at the gym. When I try to work out at home, I get absolutely NO motivation. I make excuses of things I need to do around the house. However, when I go to the gym, when I'm there I am up and ready. That is just me though.
  • rsharper97
    rsharper97 Posts: 242 Member
    You have already shown a desire to get back on track. You can do this. Good luck and know we are all here for support when you need it!