How does your garden grow????



    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    My garden is on the several year plan. A few summers back I put in some Apple trees (will be a few years before I see the fruits of my labor on those). Last year I put in a blueberry patch with several varieties. This year I am planning a strawberry patch. Then the next year raspberries. I also have several rhubarb plants. Then I have a small vegetable garden that I usually grow tomatoes, peppers, onions, peas green beans, squash, carrots...most did not do too well last summers too wet in the spring, then dry and hot and then too wet towards harvest. Hopefully this year will be better!
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    My garden is on the several year plan. A few summers back I put in some Apple trees (will be a few years before I see the fruits of my labor on those). Last year I put in a blueberry patch with several varieties. This year I am planning a strawberry patch. Then the next year raspberries. I also have several rhubarb plants. Then I have a small vegetable garden that I usually grow tomatoes, peppers, onions, peas green beans, squash, carrots...most did not do too well last summers too wet in the spring, then dry and hot and then too wet towards harvest. Hopefully this year will be better!

    did your blueberry's get big enough to produce last year? thats one of my favorite treats in the summer, wish i had room for one! My dad planted several for me in his yard but unfortunately the deer in the area think blueberry bushes are the tastiest treat around (2nd only to the apple treas he's been trying to grow) and eat them within a few days of planting.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    My garden is on the several year plan. A few summers back I put in some Apple trees (will be a few years before I see the fruits of my labor on those). Last year I put in a blueberry patch with several varieties. This year I am planning a strawberry patch. Then the next year raspberries. I also have several rhubarb plants. Then I have a small vegetable garden that I usually grow tomatoes, peppers, onions, peas green beans, squash, carrots...most did not do too well last summers too wet in the spring, then dry and hot and then too wet towards harvest. Hopefully this year will be better!

    did your blueberry's get big enough to produce last year? thats one of my favorite treats in the summer, wish i had room for one! My dad planted several for me in his yard but unfortunately the deer in the area think blueberry bushes are the tastiest treat around (2nd only to the apple treas he's been trying to grow) and eat them within a few days of planting.

    Firstly (is that even a word?)- you have to have at least two blueberry bushes so that they can cross polinate (I have 5).
    Secondly- use netting. I'm including a link-I use these around my blueberry bushes-the rabbits, squirrels, and bird love mine).,37-446RS,default,cp.html
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    Firstly (is that even a word?)- you have to have at least two blueberry bushes so that they can cross polinate (I have 5).
    Secondly- use netting. I'm including a link-I use these around my blueberry bushes-the rabbits, squirrels, and bird love mine).,37-446RS,default,cp.html

    good to know on the cross polinating, and is the pop up net easy to get on and off for harvesting? dad's got a wild life preserve in his back yard (not literally, but it seems like it!) and regularly is visited by: deer, raccoon, squirels, chipmunks, birds of all shapes & sizes including hawks (need more of those to eat all the rodents!) and blue heron (who reek havoc on the fish pond) flying squirels, bats (need more of those for the mosquitos) about the only thing that really floureshes in his yard is the blackberries, black, red & gold raspberries because they have vicious evil thorns that jump out and attack any creature foolish enough to pick them. inlcuding me :)
  • shinybonnie
    Any tips for apple trees? I have an apple tree that has produced nice apples the first two years I lived here. I didn't do anything to it. Last year (the 3rd year here), no apples; only tiny shriveled thingies where the apples should have been!
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825


  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Any tips for apple trees? I have an apple tree that has produced nice apples the first two years I lived here. I didn't do anything to it. Last year (the 3rd year here), no apples; only tiny shriveled thingies where the apples should have been!

    I've never had an apple tree but I do have a crabapple. Did you prune back last year? You may need to do that (I can't be sure, check out some gardening sites).