Upset at sudden gain - please help.

Hi everyone

I appreciate that someone has probably complained about this before, but I am so confused I don't know what I need to do to get back on track and I really don't want to make things worse! :cry:

Last Thursday (9 days ago) I celebrated four stone (56lb) lost. Two thirds of the way to my goal weight. I was hoping to drop a couple more pounds by the end of the month so that I could start 2013 in ONEderland.

My weight held steady for a few days at 202...then inexplicably I have gained half a stone (7lb) in a few days. I don't understand! Yes my weight has fluctuated before, it's not unusual for me to put on a pound or two occasionally, but it usually drops off within a couple of days and I can normally attribute it to water retention or some other factor. But half a stone?! :grumble:

Before anyone asks, no it's not my TOM - I'm on the Cerazette pill and don't have periods. I haven't gone crazy and eaten the whole fact on most days I eat my recommended calories of around 1500-1600. I haven't been heavy on my sodium, it's rare for me to even hit half of my sodium allowance for the day. I drink plenty of fluids so I don't think I'm retaining water. I've been active, but I can't attribute it to gaining muscle because I have not been strenuously exercising, just my usual.

I really don't understand how I can have gained so much in such a short amount of time. My measurements have gotten smaller - we take them bi-monthly, and I have recently dropped a clothes size, so I don't FEEL WTH?

If anybody has experienced this and can tell me what to do, I'd be really grateful. I have my six monthly checkup with my Doctor in a couple weeks and was very much looking forward to the scale saying I'd lost 25lb since our last meeting - now it seems it will look like I've only lost 18lb :noway:


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,124 Member
    Step away from the scale.

    You've covered all the usual suspects. Relax.
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    If it was sudden, it's likely temporary. Could it be your scale? Is your scale digital or dial? If it's digital, how are the batteries? If it's dial, could it be out of adjustment?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Unless you have eaten 24,500 calories about your maintenance calories then its water.
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member

    I also take a continuous pill and I still get TOM fluctuations ( where my period should be) So it definitely might be that. No way you gained that much!
  • vikefan2012
    vikefan2012 Posts: 3 Member
    I believe if you lower bad carbs such as bread, pasta, snacks, etc. that should help.
    Check out the Paleo Diet
  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    I've checked my scales - they are digital - they are giving correct readings for my partner and are less than a year old, so I don't think they are broken! :huh:

    All I can think of to do is to keep plodding on, drink lots of water and hope it drops off again? I really hope that's the case because it was a hard two-month slog to lose that 7lb, I don't particularly want to repeat it! :explode:
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    go poop
  • ItsTheBeebs
    have you been doing any resistance work (free weights/ machines)?
    it could just be muscle mass you have added to your body, you could be heaver but a healther body at a higher weight?
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    Unless you have eaten 24,500 calories about your maintenance calories then its water.

    Nice reminder for us all!! Thanks.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    go poop

    Yeah, how's your fiber intake?
  • bombedpop
    bombedpop Posts: 2,186 Member
    I believe if you lower bad carbs such as bread, pasta, snacks, etc. that should help.
    Check out the Paleo Diet

    There is no such thing as a bad carb and eating bread, pasta, etc. will not make you gain 7 lbs overnight.
  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    go poop

    Yeah, how's your fiber intake?

    Pretty good thanks lol, I'm regular...and I'd be impressed if someone could poop 7lb!
  • BlackTimber
    BlackTimber Posts: 230 Member
    I've checked my scales - they are digital - they are giving correct readings for my partner and are less than a year old, so I don't think they are broken! :huh:

    All I can think of to do is to keep plodding on, drink lots of water and hope it drops off again? I really hope that's the case because it was a hard two-month slog to lose that 7lb, I don't particularly want to repeat it! :explode:

    Can only be water. There could be a lot of reasons your water weight has increased. Have you added anything new to your diet lately? I understand the surprise and disappointment in the scale weight but then again you will get to see a big drop very soon.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Why are you weighing yourself so often?
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    go poop

    Yeah, how's your fiber intake?

    Pretty good thanks lol, I'm regular...and I'd be impressed if someone could poop 7lb!

    Prepare to be impressed
  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    Can only be water. There could be a lot of reasons your water weight has increased. Have you added anything new to your diet lately? I understand the surprise and disappointment in the scale weight but then again you will get to see a big drop very soon.

    Not that I can think of...I don't follow a specific 'fad' diet - Paleo, Atkins, etc - I just do my best to make good choices and stick to my calories and it's served me well so far! I do have 'treats' occasionally like a meal out, but I always pick the 'healthiest' options, up my exercise, drink lots of water etc to try and counteract a gain around that time. I haven't introduced anything in the last 9 days that I haven't eaten before!
  • vikefan2012
    vikefan2012 Posts: 3 Member
    Watch the documentary Fat Head. Carbs cause heart disease and diabetes, I have researched this topic. Look into it.
  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    Why are you weighing yourself so often?

    I don't weigh myself fanatically. I jump on the scales 1-2 times a week and I don't freak out if I've gained a pound. I wait until I have held a certain weight two weigh-ins in a row before I consider it weight "lost". Each to their own, this works for me.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Maybe try weighing yourself once a week..or every other week. And rely more on measurements then the fluctuating scale.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Watch the documentary Fat Head. Carbs cause heart disease and diabetes, I have researched this topic. Look into it.

    Carbs do not cause heart disease, obesity does. And how do you get obese... by eating more than you burn.