Once a month, being a girl sucks!

mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I had a terrible week! I was struggling with really severe cravings, had several very stressful things come up in my personal life, and it was TOM.

I caved.

If you read my food diary this week, you will see things I am ashamed of. I came very close to not logging several days this week, because I didn't want to admit how out of control I was. I feel really bad.

I broke my rule about not weighing myself during TOM week. I think I did it to punish myself. I was up, big surprise. And I can't even pretend like it's just water weight, because I know what my eating was like this week.

I'm sad.

I'm gonna get up now, and go do my workout. It's sunny here, maybe the fresh air and exercise will help snap me out of this funk.


  • tmcintosh84
    tmcintosh84 Posts: 2 Member
    Even though you had a tough week and feel like you caved, you still have a lot to be proud of. One week won't erase all the wonderful gains you are making health-wise or totally undo the weight you've already lost - even if you did see a gain on the scales. You are making great strides and it's all about the long-term!

    The fact that you weighed in and logged your food, that is hugely significant! You are on your way to your goals!! We all face setbacks and see that scale go in the opposite direction. But you can do this! Going for a workout today in the sunshine will be a great boost to your spirits! Put last week behind you.

    Don't know if you've ever seen Anne of Green Gables (great family movie!) but in one scene after some major fiascos, Anne says, "today is a new day, with no mistakes in it". That's my motto. Today is a new day. Just because yesterday, or last week, or last month, whatever, was bad, doesn't have to set the tone for today. Today is for me! I can make it what I want it to be, untainted by yesterday's mistakes.

    Keep at it! You'll be so glad you did!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I had a terrible week! I was struggling with really severe cravings, had several very stressful things come up in my personal life, and it was TOM.

    I caved.

    If you read my food diary this week, you will see things I am ashamed of. I came very close to not logging several days this week, because I didn't want to admit how out of control I was. I feel really bad.

    I broke my rule about not weighing myself during TOM week. I think I did it to punish myself. I was up, big surprise. And I can't even pretend like it's just water weight, because I know what my eating was like this week.

    I'm sad.

    I'm gonna get up now, and go do my workout. It's sunny here, maybe the fresh air and exercise will help snap me out of this funk.

    believe me, it sucks worse not getting it. i went through menopasue at 27 and i would give anything to get that wretched thing back.

    don't beat yourself up about a week of mediocre choices - hop back on the healthy wagon today.
    SASSYJAX Posts: 103 Member
    I am having a tough time and feel what you are saying...my TOM was late and now it has gone on for 2 weeks! Phewy yes being a girl sucks alright!

    Try not to worry this is a lifestyle choice not a punishment.....give yourself a break hun!

    When its my TOm (or a week before actually) I want to eat all the sugary things on the planet and a bit more besides!

    You are doing great, dont give up, all is not lost.

    My advice always is to give yourself the advice you would give to your best friend if she was telling you this was her problem....you would say .....!!!
  • noodl20
    noodl20 Posts: 12 Member
    I am so worried when I get my TOM back. I had a baby 2 1/2 months ago and am breastfeeding. I love the fact that I can eat just a bit more because of the breastfeeding and I don't have the TOM to worry about. But when I stop breastfeeding I am very worried because I am a horrible binge eater during that week. If I see it, it goes in my mouth. I guess I will just enjoy not having it while I can!
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I know how you feel. TOM is due any day now and yesterday I was up 1.5 pounds. I about flipped because it took me 2 1/2 weeks to lose that and I'd done nothing differently. Then when the cravings started yesterday, I knew it was likely due to TOM and water retention. (hopefully) I mean, I took enough healthy food to have 1 piece of fruit on each break and then a yogurt with one fruit on lunch yesterday to work. Well, I ate ALL of the fruit on lunch alone, and the yogurt was gone on the first break. HA. ANd I was still starving.


    Yes, once a month, being a girl sucks!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    This is why I triple pack my BC pills and only have my period 4 times a year! :bigsmile:
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    I have 2 questions.
    1) I get from context what TOM is, but what is the acronym stand for?
    2) When do most women lose their "water weight" - before, during or after (what I presume is) M? I always thought mine was during, but being new to actually paying attention to all this, I noticed that it didn't seem to go away until close to or at the after point. This being teh first time I've actually noticed the when and it's been a bit frustrating - but I think I'm over it now. :-)
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Time of the month = TOM
  • mrsbeck
    mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
    This is why I triple pack my BC pills and only have my period 4 times a year! :bigsmile:

    Oh, I've been there..I used to be on Depo...for about eight years. I started just as I weaned my youngest daughter. So, I hadn't had a period for 9 months plus 8 months of breastfeeding, and the depo kept my periods from starting up again. I switched a year and half ago to the pill because I'm thinking of having another baby, and I want to get my cycles back to normal. In another six months or so, I'm going to go completely off the hormonal bc, and give myself a few completely natural cycles. At that point, we're going to start trying for a baby.

    So, after nine years of no TOM, I'm out of practice handling it, I guess. The first year after I started the pill, I still didn't have a period, so this is only like the fifth or sixth time. It's like being a teen again, trying to remember how to read my body and figure out how to take care of myself. :ohwell:

    Thank you all, I needed a boost. In the past, I've let this kind of thing knock me off the wagon for months at a time, and I really don't want to undo the progress I've made this time. I DID go for a walk outdoors, and it was lovely. :happy:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Sometimes we cave...that's just how this goes. Girls, guys- everyone. But yah, being a girl does suck at times. I bet there are things about being a guy that suck too though. :tongue:
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