
muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I noticed a few people commenting on developing their menus for next week ... and I was wondering how many people do this, how much of a difference does it make, and how "critical" is is to dieting success?

Working almost all the time, I don't really plan my meals but I have been trying to ensure that what I eat is healthy out of whatever we do have at home. Not to mention, I can't really afford to have 2 different grocery lists - one for me and one for the rest of my family. I might get a few extra items especially for me - but not enough to make a whole menu out of. On top of that, I'm gone 3 nights a week (2 for classes and 1 for on ongoing for one of my sons). Two of those nights, I don't plan or make supper. My whole house isn't on a "diet" and since my kids eat pretty healthy, I don't make them track their calories or salt or protein or .... lol! They eat their fruits and veggies, I keep them somewhat limited on carbs and sweets are very limited. Other than that, I don't worry about what they eat too much and therefore am not very inclined to restrict their diets along with mine. I make an awesome awesome chili that's downright addictive - and once all the goodies are piled on it, one bowl is probably 600 cals! But there's 3-4 different types of beans, lean ground beef, corn, peas, fresh tomatoes.... so, I won't be able to eat much of it next time I make it, but I'm not about to tell them that they can't have 3 bowls if they want it!

So, how do others manage their own diets and familie's needs in this sense?


  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    I personally make dinner menus for a week. I find it easier simply w/ grocery shopping. However I don't consider myself to be on a "diet" that's a nasty word in my opinion. I'm making a healthy lifestyle change, I eat a lot of the same things I used to.. in my opinion it's all about portion control and using fresh ingredients and homemade. I also watch my sodium closely.

    My husband eats what I eat, just more of it... probably about 3 times lol, but he could use it, he's a darn rail.

    Do what works for you! I'm surprised that chili could be that high! Mine isn't normally more than 100 or so cals per cup!

    There are also ways to get on top of a week's worth of menus... if your gonna have chicken 2 nights a week, cook it all one night and store half for the next night and so on. there's a show on Foodnetwork where a women does this, I cant think of her name but she's on around 9 or 10 I believe, she's got some really good tips.

    Good luck!
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Jessica - figure in my house, the way they eat my chili, 3 cups=1 bowl plus 300 cals worth of cheese & sour cream!!! LOL!!! (I could be exaggerating just a tad... ) Just enough heat so that the dairy is needed to tame it down a tad and enough sweet to keep you craving - but nutritious and filling enough that - really, * A * bowl should be enough!! And I don't measure a thing. It's all by taste when it comes to the flavoring.

    I am sooo rotten at planning in this capacity, which is why I've been wondering what other people do. I'm such a "this is what I'm in the mood for" kind of person - I have to pack a full suitcase for a weekend trip! :-p Have you always planned?
  • For you delicious chili, why don't you enter it into a recipe calculator so you really know what you are eating. Maybe you can have more than you think especially with lean meat. You could do that for most of your family meals and control your calorie intake with portion size.
  • chefcc
    chefcc Posts: 143
    I noticed a few people commenting on developing their menus for next week ... and I was wondering how many people do this, how much of a difference does it make, and how "critical" is is to dieting success?

    Working almost all the time, I don't really plan my meals but I have been trying to ensure that what I eat is healthy out of whatever we do have at home. Not to mention, I can't really afford to have 2 different grocery lists - one for me and one for the rest of my family. I might get a few extra items especially for me - but not enough to make a whole menu out of. On top of that, I'm gone 3 nights a week (2 for classes and 1 for on ongoing for one of my sons). Two of those nights, I don't plan or make supper. My whole house isn't on a "diet" and since my kids eat pretty healthy, I don't make them track their calories or salt or protein or .... lol! They eat their fruits and veggies, I keep them somewhat limited on carbs and sweets are very limited. Other than that, I don't worry about what they eat too much and therefore am not very inclined to restrict their diets along with mine. I make an awesome awesome chili that's downright addictive - and once all the goodies are piled on it, one bowl is probably 600 cals! But there's 3-4 different types of beans, lean ground beef, corn, peas, fresh tomatoes.... so, I won't be able to eat much of it next time I make it, but I'm not about to tell them that they can't have 3 bowls if they want it!

    So, how do others manage their own diets and familie's needs in this sense?
    What I have been doing is going through my recipes, either on the internet or cookbooks and pick out about 5 per week. I make sure they are not outrageous on calories, (now that I'm counting calories) and then I make up my grocery list. I just eat smaller portions now to stay within my guidelines and my family eats however much they want. We all eat the same thing. On the other 2 days a week, we just have leftovers or sandwiches. That has been working for me. I've lost 4 pounds and 2 inches off my waist so far in the last 2 weeks.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i plan my menus but that doesn't mean we are 'stuck' to that if something changes - even if it is just a mood.
    for example, this week was supposed to be:
    sunday - shrimp scampi
    monday - minestrone soup with bacon
    tuesday - meatloaf
    wednesday - laughing cow cheese (garlic and herb), spinach and crimini stuffed chicken
    thursday - leftovers
    friday - mahi-mahi
    saturday - goulash

    instead it was:
    sunday - leftover salad from applebee's lunch and a portion of a subway sub (we were on the road because we left later than we initally planned)
    monday - minestrone soup with bacon
    tuesday - eat out at pappadeaux's for fat tuesday
    wednesday - liquid fast for ash wednesday for me, chinese takeout for the rest of the fam
    thursday - laughing cow cheese (garlic and herb), spinach and crimini stuffed chicken
    friday - grilled cheese and tomato soup (we weren't in the mood for fish)
    saturday - tonight we are going to his boss' house for fried chicken

    i find that it makes things easier to plan the food so i know what to buy at the grocery store, but i will admit i am fairly anal and obessive. :) you can follow what i plan each week at
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    Hmmm... I may try planning for a couple of nights a week just to test the water and see if I can maintain that. I'll definitely have to check out the recipe section for some ideas. I get bored with the same things over and over again (ie: chx) but maybe I'm just not being creative enough!!

    Thanks so much!!!!!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I look for a recipe that uses what I have on hand. I go to calorie count, a web site that has lots of healthy meal ideas and recipes as well as a calorie counter like here (I only use it for menu ideas though).
    For example, I had broccoli in the fridge so I did a search using broccoli as my key word. I found a yummy broccoli stuffed chicken recipe that was easy and really tasty. The whole family liked it and it was only 285 cals per serving.
    If I want to make a recipe that I need something I don't have on hand I can do a search for other things that use the same ingredient so I can use it up but not have the same dish over and over. Makes planning a lot easier. Plus it makes cooking fun, because you don't ever get board.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member

    Ooh - thanks for the tip!!! I will definitely have to check that out. I do run out of ideas when we start getting down to the wire... could use a creative boost for sure! Thanks so much! :-)
  • workingitout
    workingitout Posts: 105 Member
    We all usually eat the same basic meal, but I eat a little less of the main dish and more of the veggies, and I will often add a pasta or rice dish that I don't eat because I didn't save enough calories, but it fills the kids up and they enjoy it. I have started entering my recipes into the Spark website to calculate calories per serving just for my MFP purposes, but the rest of the family eats as much as they want. (Sometimes I am over at the stove measuring out my serving size after I've heaped big servings onto their plates!) I do modified meal planning - I buy the groceries for 4 or so specific dinners each week, and I am flexible about which nights we eat what, so it can depend on mood, how late I work, etc. The other nights we usually eat leftovers, each find our own dinner due to sports practices, church, etc or once a week we go out. This kind of flexible planning works well for us.
  • clheide
    clheide Posts: 112 Member
    we always plan out our menu for the week in advance. but we did this even before i really started focusing on my calorie intake. i guess mostly we're just as obsessive about keeping our grocery budget under control as i now am about getting my daily calorie goal met. :smile: i've just never been able to wrap my head around going to the store and shopping when i have no idea what i'm going to eat. this also keeps us from making frequent runs to the store to grab something we don't have.

    we do have kids at home, and we try to strike a balance for the most part on stuff they will eat and something that's also nutritionally sound and low in calories. everyone else usually just ends up eating more of it than i can, but i still want them all to be healthy, so i don't feel like i'm making them be a on a "diet" just because i'm trying to lose weight.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    I add lot of veggies into everything. Pasta sauce can hide all veggies, lots of them 2! They think they are getting what they want but really they are eating healthy. Chop small if you have picky eaters or small kids, or if your honey "doesn't do vegetables" like mine. He just thinks he doesn't like them, but he likes what I cook and they are always in there! My kids will eat veggies really well -unless Daddy says "Gross". :grumble:
  • amberc1982
    amberc1982 Posts: 468 Member
    I add lot of veggies into everything. Pasta sauce can hide all veggies, lots of them 2! They think they are getting what they want but really they are eating healthy. Chop small if you have picky eaters or small kids, or if your honey "doesn't do vegetables" like mine. He just thinks he doesn't like them, but he likes what I cook and they are always in there! My kids will eat veggies really well -unless Daddy says "Gross". :grumble:

    LOL My son loves veggies by themselves. If I put pasta sauce on anything he would flip and refuse to eat it. He used to love pasta sauce but in the last year he has refused to eat anything with it on it.
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,447 Member
    Jessica - figure in my house, the way they eat my chili, 3 cups=1 bowl plus 300 cals worth of cheese & sour cream!!! LOL!!! (I could be exaggerating just a tad... ) Just enough heat so that the dairy is needed to tame it down a tad and enough sweet to keep you craving - but nutritious and filling enough that - really, * A * bowl should be enough!! And I don't measure a thing. It's all by taste when it comes to the flavoring.

    I am sooo rotten at planning in this capacity, which is why I've been wondering what other people do. I'm such a "this is what I'm in the mood for" kind of person - I have to pack a full suitcase for a weekend trip! :-p Have you always planned?

    No I haven't always planned, I started probably in September. The key is measuring and portion control, that and working out is how I've lost my weight. I still eat the things that I love, I just do it in moderation

    I still have tons of chili recipes that could help that, even if you add the sour cream and cheese (which I do) that alone could only be 120 cals, added on to 120, there's 240, you could still have 5 saltines.. again it's all portion control, 2 T max sour cream and 1/4 cup (28g) cheese.
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