Unfit so lacking motivation to excercise


I've recently decided to kick start my weight loss properly and have been going to the gym and doing swimming and that's great. As I can't get down to the gym everyday I looked into some fitness dvds and things just to give me some more to do and change it up a bit however I'm really unfit at the moment so am unable to do some of these even if I push myself to the limit and by pushing myself to the limit I'm unlikely to want to do it again. Does anyone have any ideas for some things I can do to up my fitness but won't result in me hating the thought of exercise so throwing the towel in all together?


  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    Find an exercise and/or dvd you are interested in. You can check out dvd's at the library and/or watch videos on you tube of exercises you would like to do. You tube is free.

    Swimming at the gym is great if the pool is heated during the winter months.

    I haven't been exercising that long and started off with Leslie Sansone's 'Walk it Off' dvd's. There is some cardio in them, but low impact. You can walk one, two, three or more miles with her. I usually walk one, maybe two. She is pleasant, encouraging and motivating. I also love yoga. You might find Leslie's videos on you tube or in the library if you want to try them out.

    Hopefully, others will have good ideas too.
  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    Try doing exercise you like and that you can feel your muscles burn when you do them. However do not push yourself to the limit on those exercises. Just get a good routine and tolerance down for what you can do now... and then push yourself as you get stronger.
  • catbyrd
    catbyrd Posts: 87 Member
    I had a friend tell me they had success with the "Biggest Loser" videos. The are designed for larger people and therefore offer variations for people who are out of shape and unable to do the full exercise. You can google them and most of them offer video demonstrations. I have looked at them and am seriously considering ordering them myself. Good luck!!:smile:
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Try doing exercise you like and that you can feel your muscles burn when you do them. However do not push yourself to the limit on those exercises. Just get a good routine and tolerance down for what you can do now... and then push yourself as you get stronger.

    This. I loathed the thought of exercise until I realized through doing couch to 5k that I was just doing it all way too hard. Set more modest goals and look for more incremental improvements. Going crazy ape in your exercises is just as bad as going crazy ape in your diet. You can starve yourself all week and by Saturday you'll just be miserable, starving and you'll binge out and destroy everything you did.

    Now I'm doing things physically I never would've thought possible a year ago, but I'm still only making marginal incremental improvements.
  • lg1447
    lg1447 Posts: 2 Member
    wow guys thanks so much for all the advice!! Going to check out some of your suggestions now I think I was just expecting too much of myself too early
  • mindofkeys
    mindofkeys Posts: 2 Member
    I am starting my plan again and have began and stopped numerous time in the past.

    I have decidd to not thing about the pounds but what mty ultimate goal is.

    I love SciFi and want to be able to look good in the Star Trek outfit so I am am going to work toward that.

    My plan is to incorporate some of my favorite songs and just get on the stair master that works your arms at the same time about 15 minutes three to four times a day and see what the progress is.

    I am also going to count some of the calories but disgard some of the foods that causes my metabolism to work harder.

    Tell me about somw of the ideas you may have though about. maybe you just need someone to provide you with some cheering support.

    I have no problem with doing that. I klnow how it can be when people say they will suppoet you but end up constantly sayingsarcastic and hurtful things.