New Guy.... so umm..... yep.

Feels like Jr High all over again being the new kid in town ha ha.

I'm Cory. Turning 26 on the 26th of December. This will be my GOLDEN YEAR so it's time to take charge and get back to it with fitness and health. In fact I'm so serious about it that I sold my business in order to take a few months off work to really focus hard on my health (so far I'm a week into P90X and clean eating).

So I grew up as a chunky kid but have always been very athletic and active. Played every sport I could as well as snowboarding, wakeboarding, skateboarding, rollerblading, etc... Played football, wrestled, and baseball in school. Back in highschool I got into good shape (weighing about 175 in my prime). Since highschool I became a smoker, excessive fast food eater, and lazy *kitten*. As of last week I had jumped up to 226 lbs. I have bounced back and forth weight wise a few times over the past 8 or 9 years but never stuck with anything. When my son was born 3 years ago I got inspired and did 60 days of P90X and went from 218 down to 188. I don't know how I let myself slip back into my old ways. I guess I thought that being in shape again meant that I didn't have to follow the rules anymore and before I knew it I was fat again.

This time around I mean business. I came to the realization that I was very sick on the inside when I realized I was waking up coughing like I had lung cancer everymorning and couldn't even walk up my stairs to my bedroom without losing my breathe. I couldn't do anything fun that involved physical endurance. That pretty much eliminates all my favorite hobbies. That is DEPRESSING! RIDICULOUS! I was looking at my son and beautiful wife one night and decided I wasn't being a very good father or husband and I wasn't being fair to myself. I felt like gold when I was in shape and now I feel like garbage.

So I sold my business. I purchased a few things to help me reach my goals (random weights and workout gear) and I'm planning on taking 3 to 6 months off work to focus strictly on my health. On December 15th I quit smoking (cold turkey - no patches, no meds, no e-cigs, no hypnosis, just determination and health). On Dec 17th I started P90X. After one week I'm down to 218 from 226.

I'm not sure why I took the time to write this but figured that it always helps me to hear other peoples stories of struggle and success. Hopefully I can turn into the one of the success stories.


  • dancingdeer
    dancingdeer Posts: 373 Member
    Wow - good for you! Wishing you the best going forward - you will reach your goals! :drinker:
  • Ebcanada
    Ebcanada Posts: 133 Member
    Good for you on taking a stand now. Feel free to add me.
  • Lake_Po
    Lake_Po Posts: 228 Member
    Wonderful job on quitting smoking! I've never smoked, but I watched my mom and friends got through it. It's probably as hard as losing weight so you've won half the battle already!

    Feel free to add me! :)
  • Cherp18
    Cherp18 Posts: 224 Member
    Sounds like you've got a lot going on! Glad to hear you're tackling the weight & health issues. Special congrats on quitting smoking! SO hard to do. I quit CT also. That was 12 years ago. You can do it!

    Wishing you all the best with the weight loss and obtaining a lifelong healthy lifestyle!
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Good for you for taking control! You've got the right attitude to be successful. Feel free to add me.
  • Welcome - and thanks for introducing yourself! Good job on taking control of your health - I know it's something a lot of people, myself included for way too long, often take for granted. Ive found it really helps me stay accountable to log/portion everything, whether I have a 'bad' day or not. It works if you work it. ;) Take care.