Having "accidents"

ScrewedShadows Posts: 16
So it may just be because I'm too embarrassed to post anywhere else or just ask around on a public site like Yahoo Answers of Facebook or Tumblr, but I'm having an issue and wanted to know if anyone else is having this same issue... and what they do...
First of all I'm a 19 year old female, I have a history of bulimia - laxatives, water pills, diet pills, purging abuse - and anorexic tendencies, meaning self starvation.
I've been having "accidents" for the past week, I thought it was me just not done with my period that ended right as they started - or right as I noticed it at least - but when I would go to check my underwear there was no blood, just the faint smell of urine. I keep leaking urine, and this morning it was worse, I woke up to a very distinct smell, I checked my sheets and I didn't pee myself, but when I checked my underwear and pants they were both damp.
I guess what I'm asking is, is this a urinary tract infection? Is it something that other bulimia sufferers have gone through? Or do I need to add one more thing to my ever-so-growing list of things that make me an outcast to society?

One last thing, my younger sister has an infection, they're not sure if it's a urinary tract infection or not, and we share the same bathroom.


  • annams76
    annams76 Posts: 161 Member
    I personally don't know much about eating disorders but I would say you should probably go see a doctor. I do know that UTIs are not contagious. I hope you get the help you need to correct your eating disorder and urinary problem.
  • Incontinence is a side effect of long term laxative/diuretic abuse or you could have a pretty serious infection. Do you have any pain or discomfort when going to the bathroom? I would define try talk to a dr. Also, make sure not to drink water right before you go to sleep and maybe go right before you turn into the night again, go to a Dr!!
  • Thank you, I've been in and out of recovery for a while now, and am trying to gradually work my way up to a healthy form of eating... I think I'll have to just suck it up and go to the doctor... having so many mental illnesses I go see a therapist every week, a psychiatrist every month, and a regular doctor every other month, so I'm a little worn out with seeing doctors... next time I go in I'll bring it up...
  • annams76
    annams76 Posts: 161 Member
    Good luck!! Wish you the best!!
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    You may have damaged something internally as a result of your eating disorders. Even when you get healthy, there are long-term effects left over :-(

    You probably should tell your doctor what's happening right away. It's always better to treat symptoms when they're small and just beginning, you don't want it to turn into something irreversible.

    In the meantime, maybe wear a pad or pantyliner?
  • WeatherGirl8
    WeatherGirl8 Posts: 91 Member
    Eh... I get a tiny bit of that around my time of month. It's just normal. As long as it goes away within a few days I wouldn't worry about it! But it could be because of laxatives... I know overdoing diaretics (living off of tea) has done it to me a bit.
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    I would definitely ask your doctor about that. If it is nothing, at least then you have peace of mind...
    I would like to commend you for your efforts to get healthy. I know going to all those doctors is not fun, but kudos to you for putting in the work!!!!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Please, do go see your doc.

    You may be in a very good place to heal forever....rooting for you
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    I can't speak to much in reference to your problem, other than this: UTIs are usually incredibly painful. If you're not in pain then it's probably not that type of infection. I would agree with the other posters on this thread that you should bring it up with your doctor.
  • Wow guys, thank you everyone for your replies and for listening to my question! I will make an appointment once the holidays are over with.. I'm already dealing with some side effects of a history with ED, so I wouldn't be too surprised is this was also one.. thank you everyone again!
  • Aw, poor dear. I'm glad you're going to make an appointment; it's definitely for the best. I'm very sorry to read that you are experiencing this - and that you suffer from eating disorders. I wish I could offer you some help on the situation as I have suffered from an eating disorder myself - and I have also had a UTI, but I have never experienced that symptom before in both cases. I do wish you the best of luck at the doctor, though; I hope you find out what this could be as quickly as possible! c:
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 8,018 Member
    Your doctor should be able to help. I was in intensive care last year and catheterized for several months. Since the removal of my catheter I got stress incontinence (ie when coughing or sneezing). There are special pads and underwear, as well as physiotherapy (pelvic floor exercises) that can help. In the worst case there is medication to reduce bladder sensitivity.
  • Sounds like your estrogen is low. Especially if your periods are not normal or very short.
    When you are very thin, or in starvation mode, estrogen production stops.
    Estrogen has a lot to do with periods and leaking issues amongst other things.
    You need to have your hormones tested.
  • fuego84
    fuego84 Posts: 35 Member
    If you're on antidepressants or similar medications they can sometimes cause accidents.
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