What size exercise ball?

Hi, I am going to buy my first exercise ball but I am torn about what size i should be getting? I am about 5' 10 so I was hoping anyone else out there about this height could tell me what size they use?


  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I believe there are 3-4 sizes (I don't know the dimensions off hand) but if you look at a sporting goods store online or something it should show all the different sizes, and the one I looked at even gives the breakdown of what height should use what size ball. I am 5'2 so I use the smallest ball, but I think at your height you would need the biggest.
  • xonophone
    xonophone Posts: 474 Member
    The ball should be big enough so that when you are sitting on it, your hips and knees will both be at a 90 degree angle. For your height, I recommend a ball no smaller than 65 centimeters (the balls usually are sold in metric sizes.) 75 cm might be better, make sure the store will let you return it if you get it home, inflate it and find out it is not the right size.
  • healthycat31