What's Your New Year's Resolution(s)? 2012 Accomplishments!

PoliticalRN Posts: 112 Member
1. Quit drinking wine until June so that I can kick up my exercise and increase my benefits!
2. Do Brazil Butt Lift Workout Program before going to Hawaii in June
3. Continue working out 6 days a week with my Team Beach Body Workouts (haven't missed a day since August 26, 2012)
4. Lose my last 5 pounds by February (lost over 43 pounds so far)
5. Decrease my fat % from 35% to 20 % by the end of 2013!

2012 accomplishments:
1. Lost 43 pounds
2. Completed Insanity Workout and RevAbs (last phase coming up) without missing a day
3. Went from 49.9% fat to 32%
4. Started April 2012 at size 16 to Size 8 by November and currently creeping by Size 6 (Jeans but suit size is still 8)
5. Became a Team Beach Body Independent Coach!