Christmas Day



  • helyg
    helyg Posts: 675 Member
    I will log, in fact as I know roughly what we will be eating I have pre-logged some of it to help with portion control.

    I went for a 3 mile run this morning and plan to do the same on Boxing Day to counteract some of those calories.

    I am sure I will go over, but I would rather be aware of how much I am going over by than just eat myself into oblivion.
  • GypsySoul_74
    GypsySoul_74 Posts: 152 Member
    i'm planning to log, but i know i'm going to be over. i'm aiming for 1.5 times my normal calorie intake, because i want the leeway to enjoy the food my family and i prepare, but still want to give myself a limit. our biggest christmas celebration was this past saturday, and i ate 2.5 times my usual calories. thank goodness it was only one day :)