The last 15lbs, atkins for a quick finish?



  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I think there are better choices for a "diet," however; I am big fan of higher protein. Why? Because carbs and I just don't get along with the scale. it's been proven over and over and even my nutritionists is with me.

    So, the big problem with high protein diets is fiber, cholesterol and lack of burnable carbs for more extreme exercises. Here is what I do. I eat my carbs earlier in the day and they come from fruit vegetables, beans (garbanzos) an occasional slice of whole wheat, whole grain bread and psyllium husk added to protein shakes. That should take care of the carbs and the fiber. The protein sources are just as difficult. Skip as much processed meats like turkey, ham, bacon and high fat cheese. look for grilled chicken breast, lean red meat, salmon, white fish and other seafood.

    I am also having a heck of a time with the last 15. Even at 1500 calories or so a day, it's not going fast. I a runner, and injuries have kept me back from the 2 hour runs that really made the difference.

    So what happens when you are done? you exercise and eat that same stuff.