Extremely frustrated about fat gain, need support

Hi guys, no words can describe how frustrated I feel right now in my fitness journey. To start off, I am not overweight and never have been. Last year when I first started working out, I weighted 118lbs at 5'4, a pretty average size for an Asian girl. I worked out and ate a bit less ( just cut out chips and candy) but did not eat clean, I lost 10 lbs and was at 108lbs.

I was perfectly happy at 108lbs, I was slim and toned. However, during summer I had too much fun, ate out almost daily, and gained all the weight back. I was not worried though, because I thought the weight would just come off once I workout again. This time I decided to eat healthy and start doing insanity. Well, long story short, I underestimated calories I was eating because I don't own a food scale at home, and I lost 0lbs on insanity and gained fat . I no longer fit into my old clothes, and I actually have a belly now. I weight 123lbs now, the heaviest I have ever been.

I am sooooooooo frustrated. I worked my butt off doing insanity and tried so hard to stay away from junk food, and the result? fat gain. My legs also got bigger , I think from working the quads and calves so much on insanity. I don't know what I should do now, I lost all motivation :/


  • leahartmann
    I can easily understand your frustration. I use to be about the same height and weight as you (a little smaller, 5´3 and 110 pounds), but started on some medication that made me gaine rapidly. I HAVE to take it, but a 51 pounds gain in a year is a lot. And it´s very hard for me to lose any. :ohwell:

    Some of your weight may be new muscles, have you considered that? When your muscles in your leg has gotten bigger, they have elsewhere ofcourse. And yes, you have to take notice of what you´re eating. As many probably will tell you, this is a lifestyle change to be healthy, not a diet. A diet will probably not help you in the long run, because you tend to gain it all back when the diet ends and you start to eat "normal" again, as you used to. You have to change your "normal" into something healthy. That doesn´t mean that you can´t have a treat once in a while!

    Do you still work out? Some kind of excersice will help you. It doesn´t have to be something "crazy", but a little every day or a couple of times a week will make a difference. I walk 1-2 hours a day with my dogs and a friend here on MFP have helped me start to run again every other day, just a 2K to start with, that´s about 20 minutes (for me- I´m the worst runner ever, have to walk half of the time.. :wink: )

    And by the way, don´t worry to much over it. You´re still in a "normal" range weightwise. And from your profile picture I can see that you´re very beautiful!!