Taking it back

Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
I was at goal in 2011...I had my body right where it needed to be at the time and I felt great. I guess you could say I found me for the first time in my life. Then I had an injury that prevented me from running and not running ate at me. My nerve in my hip was pinched and even walking long distances would hurt so bad I would cry. My head started getting those thoughts that I obviously was not suppose to be doing these things. I was not as strong as I thought I was. So I stopped everything....too scared to try something new. Too weak minded to tell myself it is ok to fall back a little but just keep moving forward with something else. I was stopped in my tracks. Depressed and beaten up.

In the spring of 2012 someone told me to try running and walking again. So I did and it didn't hurt! My hip had fixed itself! I was excited...so I pushed and pushed and got back to where I was. I ran my normal 5ks...not as fast but still finished. I felt like it was coming back together. Then....I woke a few months back and there was a shooting pain in my heel. It would come and go but when it was there it was excruciating. So I backed off a bit on my running thinking about giving up again made me want to die inside. The pain didn't go away it only got worse. This time however, I saw a doctor (I know I should have went for my hip earlier but that is the past). I have plantar fasciitis. Again....wanting to die inside. She gave me a list of stretches to do and I was doing them but it wasn't getting better.

I went to a specialist who fitted me for orthotics, gave me a steroid injection and signed me up for Physical Therapy. At first I looked at this like the end but over the last couple days I have been thinking about things the Physical Therapist had said...I need to strengthen my glutes and realign my body so it is doing the things it needs to do the right way! Ultimately this will make me stronger than I was before minus the pain at the same time. How exciting is that! Like a whole new chapter to my life that I didn't even see coming.

I am setting up a list of new goals for 2013....things I didn't think I would be able to put on that list are now going on because my Physical Therapist said it was possible...that everything will come back but better! At the end of 2013 I am going to be stronger, walk better, have a better attitude about everything all because this time I wasn't too afraid to hear that I was doing it all wrong.

I don't know why I felt the need to share this but I did. And injury isn't the end all....it is a "t" in the road map. You will need to pick a new direction....are you going to give up on your goals...or are you going to find a new way to reach them? It is ultimately up to you!


  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,218 Member
    You have a great attitude! 2013 is going to be a super year for you, I think!
  • Love it!!!!!! You seem to have the ability to think around the box. The injury is just gonna make you think of more creative ways to be healthy. What's so wrong with that? makes you really know that you want it! yay!
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