Hello, All

This is my first time to MFP and my third go round with losing weight. I've always had issues with being overweight. In my late teens and early twenties, I lost about 30ish pounds and got down to a size one/zero. Ahhh...those were the days. After getting married, the pounds started creeping back on. I gained all 30 back and then some. I wasn't happy where I was, but was too lazy to do anything about it, TBH. Then, I got pregnant with my little boy and gained 50 pounds! I was a size 16/18 after he was born. I'm 4ft 11inches, so yeah... I started WW and lost about 30 pounds, but I've since gained back 15. I have't worked out in over a year, and my eating habits are horrible.

It's going to be rough, this I know. Honestly, I've put off going down this road again because I'm afraid of failing, like I have every other time I have done this. However, I'm tired of worrying about whether or not clothes show my fat rolls, haha. So, we'll see how it goes. I'm cautiously optimistic about this journey. :smile:

I look forward to working with you all!



  • glamwaggs
    You can add me if your looking for healthy food ideas and someone to share your diary with!
  • Bella20102010
    Bella20102010 Posts: 32 Member
    Sent! Thank you so much!

  • wendydav3
    Hey Bella. Welcome to MFP. I have been here a while but know what you mean by the all the tries. Before I got serious and joined this group I had many failed attempts. My diary is open and your more than welcome to look at it if it helps you any. Please feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck on your new journey. Remember it's going ot have it's ups and downs but just like any other road you keep going until your reach your destination!!