Need advice for a beginners workout

I am looking for a beginners workout DVD. I am very out of shape and looking for something that doesn't require excellent coordination. Right now I am just starting to exercise and only walking on the treadmill. Thanks!


  • kmvana
    If you go online there are a bunch of sites where you can order fitness videos. I believe one is Anyway, they list the video and whether it's a beginner, intermmediate or advanced type of video. I would definitely look into something that either includes some toning, or a separte toning video. You don't want to forget the toning part! Hope this helps.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Any of Leslie Sansone's Walking Videos are good. They are low impact and broken up by miles. is another excellent source.
  • bryan_yauger
    You have to start somewhere. Everyone starts out somewhere....Try the P90X. You don't have to be in good shape like some of the critiques say. I was 231 pounds. I lost 30 in 6 weeks. I could not do one pull-up. Now I can do 8. I used a chair just like the girl did in the video. Eventually, your body adapts, and you can do the work outs. Just stay motivated and do it for your-self and no one else. Once you do it for yourself, then in essence, you did it for everyone else so that you will be around them in life a lot longer. Did that make sense?

    Anyway, good job and just keep on moving. Keep track of your calories, if you cheat it's ok, but you need to make sure you walk on the treadmill or workout that much more so that you stay below your calorie goal. Also, don't forget that as you create more lean muscle, you burn more calories while sleeping, sitting etc. all day long. So if you have a goal of 1,500 calories per day, workout and it gives you an extra 300 to add to your diet because of the workout, giving you 1,800 calories for the day to eat, you will still be way below your goal because your muscle that you have gained is burning more than what the Myfitnesspal calculator estimates.

    Good luck,

  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hey emberd... I wouldn't start with the P90X because I hear it's uber intense. Pick an activity that you love to do, and start with that! For example, I love Pilates and Belly Dance. Both are very low-impact, easy to do, and come with instructional DVDs, but the best thing it you can always improve at them as you get stronger. Do an activity that you will enjoy doing so that you will stick with it. Good luck!
  • melbhall
    melbhall Posts: 519
    A lot of people do the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, including me (available at Walmart, Target, etc). It is not a hard dvd but gives you a good workout all in 20 minutes. She uses a pair of handweights, but when I first started I didn't use anything. She has different level workouts to move up to and during each workout she has one person doing an exercise the hard way and another doing the "easy" version. Workout one starts out with common things that most people can do: pushups (I do the easy ones), jumping jacks, jump rope(without the rope), crunches, lunges, squats. I really like the video because it includes several workouts, only 20 minutes, only 10 bucks (when I saw it) and not hard for people that are uncoordinated.