Different scales

mmccurrach Posts: 50 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Someone please explain this to me. The scale I use is digital and I use an 8 lb handweight to make sure it's calibrated. over the weekend, I weighed on my freinds scale. My freind uses a 10 lb handweight and the scale matches that. The last couple days at my friends house, the scale showed that I had lost 3 lbs from the last time I weighed on my scale. So I'm back this morning and I am up 4 lbs!!! I can understand being up a couple lbs but not 4. I had 2 vodka tonics and went over calories 2 days but under calories every other day this last week. I know that alcohol will give me a gain (although I was hoping that vodka might not do it, but it did) but didn't think 4 lbs!! And if I look at it, I'm only up 1 lb from when I weighted on my scale on Wednesday. So what am I missing?!?! Did I really go up 4 lbs?!?!?


  • Weights fluctuate on a daily basis, even several times a day. What is most important is to try to weigh yourself at the same time of day each time. When you do that, you'll tend to get pretty honest readings, based on the previous one. Whatever your eating, drinking, and exercise patterns are will dictate the fluctuation of your readings. Just try to stay consistent on the reading times. Good luck.
  • Hey...it's frustrating...I went through this with my gym's scale. The personal trainer I asked finally said that you have to take your lowest point and add 5 lbs for variance. So, my lowest point on the scale has been weighing 100 lbs (which I don't!), then my highest allowable point before I get concerned about gaining is 105. If I go to 106, then it's time to figure out what I'm doing wrong. On the other end, if I weigh 98 for a few days (she said don't base it on one day's fluke reading-wait until you see the same results a few days out of a week or so), then my new high point is 103. That way, I am taking into account the lost weight and restructuring goals.
    If you weigh after exercising, when you first get up, after eating, etc.: all of these can cause changes and also as women, hormonal changes cause weight fluctuations throughout the day/week/month as well.
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