My personal 5 week challenge..any joiners?



  • jenmonkee
    As far as no sweets/sugar... do you mean nothing with sugar, like no fruit, yogurt, milk? That's where most of my sugars add up EVERY day, over in my sugar because of that. I have started buying sugar free candy for those days that I just have to have some candy haha. My favorite is sugar free chocolate coconut it's really good.

    I've been trying to stay away from sugar (besides my yogurt, fruit, milk) but every once in awhile I'll have a 100 calorie pack snack or a skinny cow or smart ones ice cream snack.

    I think if I could stay under my sugar everyday I'd have more success with weight loss

    By sweets I mean no candy, junk, etc,.... I have eliminated most dairy from my diet, only because it is higher in fat than I am willing to account for. I stick to water only, and I can always tell when I am not drinking enough.
  • rockwife
    Hello again, I eliminated sugar and aspartane this week. The scale actually moved down. (it has been stuck) Actual weigh in is on Saturday, but it was pleasant to see the scale say 252.8 this morning. I haven't seen anything less than 253 in a long time!
    I did get some truvia, and I really like it. I just assumed that the other stuff was cheaper and okay.
  • Tamzenc
    OK so I ate a tiny one inch square piece of chocolate at work today... Everything else was fine
  • jenmonkee
    Hello again, I eliminated sugar and aspartane this week. The scale actually moved down. (it has been stuck) Actual weigh in is on Saturday, but it was pleasant to see the scale say 252.8 this morning. I haven't seen anything less than 253 in a long time!
    I did get some truvia, and I really like it. I just assumed that the other stuff was cheaper and okay.

    I really think that with this one change we will see better results! What is truvia?
  • jenmonkee
    OK so I ate a tiny one inch square piece of chocolate at work today... Everything else was fine

    Do you work in a restaurant? I do, and let me tell you when there is extra food or desserts!!! BAD!! I am still going strong...36 more days?
  • Tamzenc
    No, I don't work in a restaurant. Just a co-worker in the next cubicle with a bowl of chocolates....
  • jenmonkee
    Well, this was a pretty good week for me. I lost 3.5 lbs and succeeded in not snacking or eating sweets. But I found myself having to remind myself NOT to have that sweet! (Candy, junk) Hope everyone else had a good week!
  • jenmonkee
    jenmonkee Posts: 57
    I hate having to 'think" about the food I put in my mouth....probably what got me to this point in the first place! Doing well though, not too worried about getting through this does get easier as the days pass.