Needs urgent help, but no criticism or patronising!



  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    To anyone who thinks that eating the same number of calories every day is a winning strategy: Check out the BBC TV program "Eat, Fast, Live Longer".

    Lozzieemay is going to have the last laugh. She is going to live longer -- with a healthier body -- if she goes back to her weekday calorie restriction regime.

    Dang. I'm going to try to do that myself. I would really like to have a bit of extra health and a few extra years! Thank you Lozzieemay!!
  • calamity71
    calamity71 Posts: 207 Member
    Out of said that you gained quickly. Have you discussed this with your doctor and had any test done to see if there is an underlying cause. And...have you started any medication? I was on a med and I put weight on slowly....a few pounds a month. I never associated it with the medicine. I have always struggled with weight and so the slow gaining and not being able to lose with weight watchers just seemed like part of my life.Three years later, I looked back and realized I could contribute alot of it to a med. I stopped the medicine....but it has taken hard work and dedication to turn things around.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    As for losing inches vs scale, many will attest to losing one but not the other at various stages. You can lose inches and not see it show up on the scale for awhile. Look up body recomposition.

    Recently I weighed 2lbs lighter than what I did 2 years ago BUT I wore almost 2 full sizes smaller! Before anyone says clothing sizes have changed, this was only 2 years ago and the starting size was in my closet. (The 2nd size zipped and buttoned and might now fit more comfortably.) The scale is a trend tool but not an absolute measurement tool.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    You are setting yourself up to become the perfect binger. 5 days of over restriction followed by two days of overeating? Hmm, I wonder why that didn't work.
  • Beyond_Value
    Beyond_Value Posts: 46 Member
    My healthy suggestion is eat well.

    There is a diet called the "Rotation Diet" where you eat a certain amount of calories per day from 600 - 1200.

    Truly diets are not the way to go it sound like your eating 900 per week and binge on the weekend was fine.

    Some times on Friday's and Saturday I eat stupid - chocolate, ice cream, and chip ahoy cookies.

    We all get tired and want to give up especially this eating it is nerve wrecking but get your second breath and "just do it".

    Do a little at a time don't stress out with a week do a day an hour whichever way that will give you the less stress with eating.
  • CharlesLadd
    Moderation is the trick, and patience. You put that weight on in twelve months, it will take at least that much time to take it off. So the first thing to consider, I think, is that you will be eating differently (more healthfully) and getting more exercise for at least a year to lose the weight, then for the rest of your life to maintain that more healthy level. If you think of it as a diet, you are not likely to think of weight control as a life style change. What worked in the past, frankly, hasn't worked. The future, starting today, must be different if you are to succeed. That may sound preachy, but long-term life style change is what it is all about. MyFitnessPal is very useful in that regard, by helping you keep track of what you are doing. Be honest with yourself and with MFP and you will be successful -- eventually.