Snack help!

So my main downfall is snacking. I can eat healthy meals all day long but the main thing is to stop my unhealthy snacking habits. Does anyone have any healthy snack ideas that can be made easily and on a budget? Help would be great and maybe you can all find some great tasty snack ideas too :)


  • MiTime2016
    MiTime2016 Posts: 50 Member
    Maybe if snacking is your downfall you shouldn't snack. Instead you could make your meals a little larger (add a fruit or veggie) and split them into two parts ... 1/2 your lunch at noon, the other half at 2:00, one half your dinner at 5:30, the other half at 7:30.
  • l0rah
    l0rah Posts: 7
    Maybe if snacking is your downfall you shouldn't snack. Instead you could make your meals a little larger (add a fruit or veggie) and split them into two parts ... 1/2 your lunch at noon, the other half at 2:00, one half your dinner at 5:30, the other half at 7:30.

    That's a really good idea! :) thanks
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    There are SO many different types of snacks that are not bad for you and can fill you up. However, if you are literally unable to stop, then maybe try to pre-log and pre-pack EVERYTHING that you will be eating for the day. I find that helps me a lot if I already know what I am going to eat, I don't feel like I start getting desperate that I won't have anything to eat.

    Low fat cheese sticks/string cheese
    100-calorie almond packs
    baby carrots or apple slices with hummus or Greek yogurt or Laughing Cow lite cheese wedge
    cottage cheese (lately I have been loving the Breakstones cottage doubles with fruit, they are only $1 a piece, and there are like 5 different flavors, 100 calories each)
    Special K multigrain crackers with a Laughing Cow lite cheese wedge
    0% plain Greek yogurt with 1 tablespoon of PB2 (or some fruit or even a little bit of low-fat granola)
    One piece of low-fat turkey and a low-fat slice of cheese (I like swiss or provolone), wrapped in a romaine lettuce leaf (sometimes I spread a little roasted red pepper hummus on the lettuce before rolling)

    water, water, water. Drink a glass of water when you feel like snacking, then wait 15 minutes If you still feel like snacking, having something similar to the above.
    green tea
  • Cassierocksalot
    Cassierocksalot Posts: 266 Member
    I am a serious snack-a-holic! For me personally, it's 90% mental. I'm bored so I grab a snack. I'm upset so I grab a snack. I pack my lunches every day for work and include one morning and one afternoon snack. Today it's an apple and leftover chicken meatballs from yesterday (Yummy and only 30 calories each!) but I know I'll go grabbing for something else later on too. So, I always bring extra, super low calorie, mindless munchies like carrots and cherub tomatoes. I've also find that sometimes the simple act of lifting my arm and putting something in my mouth will turn my brain off to the need to snack, so I'll often go grab a warm cup of tea (or sometimes even just hot water).

    The key is to figure out your own trigger. Good luck!

    EDIT: I agree 100% with the pre-logging. If you put into your log everything you plan on eating today and can see how your calories add up it really helps when you want to grab that cookie. The joyous part about it is that sometimes you can!
  • l0rah
    l0rah Posts: 7
    That's really great ideas and tips :) thanks guys! :smile: