Finding the right diet for you?

Okay the program on here that is calorie based, is great, but I want something more than that. I want a diet (or lifestyle change) that I can stick to.

I've read about the Eat-Clean diet, but I don't think I can stick to it because of the little sugar intake, overly low-fat, and no (or almost no) preservative foods. I really like it, but I don't eat enough fruits and vegetables. I'm a picky eater on vegetables. I'm not proud of that and am trying to eat new things.

I've also read about the Mayo Clinic Diet and so far it seems pretty good. I haven't read enough on it to fully understand it all. Guess I need to keep reading about it. I also don't understand why it lets you eat unlimited fruits and vegetables either.

Traditional diets? On here it talked about a traditional diet plan when setting up your goals and when I went to it told me a traditional diet plan was best for me. But what the heck is a traditional diet? Is it just healthy eating and exercise? What diet plans fit into this?

Help, please.


  • dogmeat
    It just means generally healthy, regular diet with no specific focus on low carb/high protein, and no "canned replacement meals".
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    A traditional diet- your basic, health(ier) eating plan. Moderation, healthier choices, water and exercise- I don't think there's anything more doable than that.

    If you were looking for a diet plan that fit into that- something like Weight Watchers follows that basic guideline, but MFP is far better than any Weight Watchers meeting for me. :)
  • irismoon
    A traditional diet- your basic, health(ier) eating plan. Moderation, healthier choices, water and exercise- I don't think there's anything more doable than that.

    If you were looking for a diet plan that fit into that- something like Weight Watchers follows that basic guideline, but MFP is far better than any Weight Watchers meeting for me. :)

    What is MFP?
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    A traditional diet- your basic, health(ier) eating plan. Moderation, healthier choices, water and exercise- I don't think there's anything more doable than that.

    If you were looking for a diet plan that fit into that- something like Weight Watchers follows that basic guideline, but MFP is far better than any Weight Watchers meeting for me. :)

    What is MFP?

    MFP = myfitnesspal
  • irismoon
    A traditional diet- your basic, health(ier) eating plan. Moderation, healthier choices, water and exercise- I don't think there's anything more doable than that.

    If you were looking for a diet plan that fit into that- something like Weight Watchers follows that basic guideline, but MFP is far better than any Weight Watchers meeting for me. :)

    What is MFP?

    MFP = myfitnesspal

    *smacks self* I should have figured that out. lol. Guess I wasn't thinking on that one.

    So far the MFP has been real helpful. I'm not a big fan of calorie counting, but so far it's made me more aware of what I'm eating and just how much I take in. I think I'll stick to a traditional diet plan along with the calorie counting that MFP has. It's working for now. I think for the food part I'll just eat healither and use the tips and ideas from the diet plans I'm learning about until I find something perfect for me.

    Thanks for the help!