I just RSVPed to the pity party...

I'm feeling very discouraged by the weight loss (or lack there of) lately. If I don't lose this week, I just want to give up. I haven't really noticed a change in my body or how I feel so whats the point. I hate that there are people around me staving themselves and drinking their calories everyday and still losing way more then me. I eat right and work out and don't drink and still nothing! Argh, I'll just go back to being fat and "happy" I guess =*(


  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Nope, not an option. :tongue: It may take you a while to figure out what works for you, but you can do it. If you eat at least 1200 healthy calories, drink your water, exercise and eat at least most of those calories back, the weight should come off.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    "I am overweight due to general inactivity and lack of caring about my looks or my health. This is my year to take control and get that health body that I've always wanted! "

    Give it some time. Having a healthy body takes the rest of your life!!!

    You will be so happy you did, promise:flowerforyou:
  • aplucedellaluna

    So I made a goal to myself (fitness-related) and I didn't achieve it. I wanted to wear a size 6 dress (I am currently 8/10) for a school ball. Did it fit? Not even close. And so, I felt terrible yesterday.

    I can't remember the last time I achieved one of my fitness goals within the time that I gave myself to do it.
    Now, that being said, I lost 65 lbs within the last 3 years and I'm still on the track to losing more but I just take a verrrry loooong tiiiime.

    I don't know if I'm okay with that anymore. It's not because my body takes a long time for it to happen--moreso, because I'm never 100% strict with following my guidelines. And so, I lose weight sort of passively by giving myself rules/regulations and doing them 60% of the time, which inevitably brings me weight loss.
    But I've never fully committed to a weight loss thing (I've always cheated in the middle or here and there.)
    I want to lose all my body fat and I want to do it by summertime. How can I achieve it ACTIVELY?

    I'm working out a plan...but this is something that fueled me....


    The problem is not the lack of a plan...but more so FOLLOWING through with it completely.
    This is tough because I think it means a mental change to evoke a physical response. And changing mentality is tough!
    Any suggestions?
  • SammiAnne11
    SammiAnne11 Posts: 158 Member
    I hope you can turn it around. It takes your body a while to catch up with your healthy eating habits.

    Your friends that aren't eating or are drinking their calories, aren't *healthy*, so why compair yourself to them?

    Stick with it...keep going. Sending you strong healthy vibes and love~
  • thisemmabites
    Keep up the hard work. All good things take time. There's no such thing as fat and happy. I said the same thing, until I realized I wasn't happy at all. Don't worry about your weight, Find some exercise you enjoy and stick it out. You can do it!
  • aplucedellaluna
    If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress.
  • aurablue
    I read an interesting book, eat for your blood type. According to the book I do better with red meat, which I thought was bogus but for three days I ate salads with low fat dressing etc. and gained two pounds. Spent the next two days eating appropriate portions of chicken and red meat and lost 3 pounds.

    My son has a rare disease and we were working with a nutritionist in FL who has the same theory. She was testing food for him based on his morning weights. if the scale fluctuated within 3/10ths of a pound something from the day before was bad for him. Dwight freeney from the colts works with her and he was having issues with bananas but is fine since removing them. While I am all for healthy all around eating, I do think that some foods whether they are healthy or not sit differently in each of our systems. Is there anything you have been eating consistently this week? Maybe try and cut that out and see if it changes.
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    Have you had a check up with your MD lately to make sure there is no underlying reason for the lack of weight loss. I agree that you should not give up. Are you measuring food, most people typically under-estimate amounts when trying to eye ball. Calorie intake can be much higher than you think so measuring is very important at the beginning.

    Good luck, you will be successful if you stick with it!
  • LivyJo
    LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
    I know with me, it took a good month to get the weight loss going. Your body could be fighting change right now. Its comfortable with where you are at, and it doesn't want you to lose weight! So it will fight you. Just keep at it, and it will eventually give in and the weight will come off. Trust us, it will! Even if you are not feeling the changes outside, you are doing your body good INSIDE. You will thank yourself for that and for the weight loss when it comes, in the long run!

    You can do it!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    I read an interesting book, eat for your blood type. According to the book I do better with red meat, which I thought was bogus but for three days I ate salads with low fat dressing etc. and gained two pounds. Spent the next two days eating appropriate portions of chicken and red meat and lost 3 pounds.

    My son has a rare disease and we were working with a nutritionist in FL who has the same theory. She was testing food for him based on his morning weights. if the scale fluctuated within 3/10ths of a pound something from the day before was bad for him. Dwight freeney from the colts works with her and he was having issues with bananas but is fine since removing them. While I am all for healthy all around eating, I do think that some foods whether they are healthy or not sit differently in each of our systems. Is there anything you have been eating consistently this week? Maybe try and cut that out and see if it changes.

    i so agree with this! my oldest son was diagnoised with autism and we cured him with chelation therapy and cutting all casien and whey from his diet. the 'healthy' food you ingest can actually hurt you. good luck with your son.

    to the o.p., i'm sorry you are frustrated. i can relate. today is a new day. do one healthy thing regardless of weight loss and see if that doesn't help you feel better about yourself and more in control. numbers on a scale are fickle.
  • dmmfan2
    Keep on trucking....I have had the same problems and who knows maybe your are stressing yourself out about not losing the weight in the time you want to...I myself can see myself doing this since I am getting married in Sept and would like to lose before then. Take it one day at a time and you will see the results...also maybe measure yourself and just because the pounds aren't coming off maybe the inches are!
  • Phatdaddymike
    No where else to go.....so dont give up!! Ive ran 12 miles and 13 miles the past 2 weeks. Those were in ONE day each week, my total miles for those 2 weeks were 24 and 25 respectfully. i DID NOT lose weight either week...totally makes no sense to me, but i will keep running and i will stick with it, no where else to go.........
  • NaomiLyn
    Don't give up! I was having the same problem. I have gained 40 pounds in the last two years, and this year I decided that I was going to give it my all to get back down to my "normal" weight. I started by just cutting my calories, and watching EVERYTHING that I ate. I stayed within 1200 calories religiously, and worked out almost every day. But, I wasn't lose weight. I lost a little bit after two weeks (like 2 pounds), but then gained it back. I went to my doctor to see if there was something going on medically, because I have never had a hard time losing weight when I really put my mind to it. It turns out that I have PCOS. One of the side effects is that you gain weight easily, and it is next to impossible to take off. She told me that my hormones are out of wack, and therefore don't know how to process refined carbhoydrates (which is in anything processed). I have worked to really cut those carbs down, and have kick started the weight loss in the last 4 weeks (down 11 pounds).

    So, what I am trying to say is that there may we more to it than just having a hard time losing weight. You may want to see your doctor, have bloodwork done, talk to them about what you are doing. They may see something that is making it more difficult. If all else fails, try to see a nutritionist. We all eat things that we don't realize are really bad for us... a nutritionist might be able to point those things out to you.

    Getting diagnosed with PCOS didn't mean that my weight would magically melt off, but now I understand my body a little better, and can work WITH IT to lose the weight. Plus, I feel better knowing that I was doing the "right" things, just not the right things for my particular body.

    You can do it, don't give up!
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    Please take a look at my profile pics, I just posted my before and after, after having lost 50 pounds (well, I'm up 2 pounds this week, but that's just it, everyone fails sometimes, but all that matters is that you keep at it). I totally know the feeling, I get discouraged a lot. But when your pity party is done, you get right back on track. You didn't gain weight overnight, so you won't lose it overnight.

    It has taken me way longer to lose this weight than I had planned. I should have been at my goal weight back in September or October, and here it is February and I still have 16 to go. But you know what, I cannot pass by a mirror without stopping to look and thinking, damn, you look good. I have my bad days sure, but then I get right back to it. It's really hard to watch other people eat what they want....I feel like that a lot, I feel like I'm in prison, constantly logging and measuring and not being able to eat when I'm hungry because I don't have enough calories left. But that's why you need to schedule a cheat meal or day so you can feel that free-ness again, without doing as much damage as you would be just giving up.

    Hell, last week I was feeling major burn out from work, school, gym, dieting, so I took the entire week off from logging and working out. I don't recommend doing that a lot, the last time I did that was back in October, and I now have 1.5 pounds of water weight/fat weight to work back off. But that week was what I needed to not give up entirely and now I am back in the game. I'll bet you were NOT happy when you were at your highest weight, so picture your future self, put down the cookie, and get back out there. I did it, and I know you can too!
  • arasm
    arasm Posts: 65
    I read an interesting book, eat for your blood type. According to the book I do better with red meat, which I thought was bogus but for three days I ate salads with low fat dressing etc. and gained two pounds. Spent the next two days eating appropriate portions of chicken and red meat and lost 3 pounds.

    My son has a rare disease and we were working with a nutritionist in FL who has the same theory. She was testing food for him based on his morning weights. if the scale fluctuated within 3/10ths of a pound something from the day before was bad for him. Dwight freeney from the colts works with her and he was having issues with bananas but is fine since removing them. While I am all for healthy all around eating, I do think that some foods whether they are healthy or not sit differently in each of our systems. Is there anything you have been eating consistently this week? Maybe try and cut that out and see if it changes.

    Can you tell me the name of this book your talking about?
  • mimi7grands
    Well, as a former 320+ pounder and now 247 (and counting), I can tell you it just ain't worth it! I have to say this is the most successful diet effort yet for me. A couple of things have made a big difference. Maybe they will for you too. I hope so.

    1) I'm eating very tasty food (mostly fruits and veggies). I've never eaten so many before or enjoyed it more either. When I eat "good stuff" it mostly takes away the craving for stuff that will do me in. The other nice thing about this...I am almost never hungry. I really mean this. Sometimes when I feel anxious or bored or lonely, I want to eat to sedate myself. So, I definitely relate to wanting to eat. But it's just the beginning of a downward spiral. I want to avoid that if I possibly can. It's just too painful.

    2) I'm keeping track of pretty much every bite. Even if I go out and don't know exactly what's in a meal, I try to dissect it and track it. I've never done this before and am surprised by how helpful it is. For me, it takes away the "I've failed" feeling that I get when I don't write something down. I've felt that way in the past even when I haven't gone over my calories. Somehow, not writing it down makes me "feel" that I'm cheating.

    3) I'm exercising. This is the hardest part for me. I've done plenty of diets before and know the hard part is not losing the weight, it's keeping it off. I'm doing the exercises from the book Strong Women Stay Young. So I'm building muscle and that burns more calories. (It's also awesome to see your calories left for the day go up!) I don't think I could have gotten started if my sister hadn't started doing the SWSY exercises at the same time. If this is a hard area for you, maybe you can find some support. I'm proud of myself for sticking to it but know that I'm still on shaky ground. Next year, it will be a habit! This year not so much. I'm also working on doing 30 minutes of cardio a day - exercycle or walking. The best thing about doing this is that it lifts my mood.

    It's working for me. Hang in there. You can do it. When you're feeling especially crummy, try walking for just 10 minutes. I believe it will help. And try eating really delicious food, not just some junk out of a box. That's huge for me. I don't feel like I'm on a diet. I'm eating like a gourmet. I like what one person's tag line said...something about how you'll feel next year if you don't do it. It's true!
  • mimi7grands
    Re Please take a look at my profile pics, I just posted my before and after, after having lost 50 pounds :

    I just looked at your pics. Wow! What a difference. You look great.