Anyone Else? Lactose/Soy Intolerant... No Easy Diet Foods

Anyone else have a hard time finding protein powders/power bars that don't have whey or soy in them?

My system is so weird I can't even eat Lara Bars! As of right now, and this isn't really a huge deal just an inconvenience, I have to make most of my food from scratch because it's the only way to know it won't make me sick. Breads, pastas and peanut butter are pretty much the only things I don't make myself.

Would welcome any suggestions on affordable protein powders!



  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    Anyone else have a hard time finding protein powders/power bars that don't have whey or soy in them?

    My system is so weird I can't even eat Lara Bars! As of right now, and this isn't really a huge deal just an inconvenience, I have to make most of my food from scratch because it's the only way to know it won't make me sick. Breads, pastas and peanut butter are pretty much the only things I don't make myself.

    Would welcome any suggestions on affordable protein powders!


    Sounds to me like you should address your digestive issues. Is it only soy and lactose you are intolerant to? Have you seen a physician and/or had allergy testing done? Have you tried taking digestive ensyme supplements when you eat? Most whey protein powders are virtually lactose free by the way, so if it's lactose you are intolerant to, then whey should not be a problem.
  • hmccullough72
    hmccullough72 Posts: 10 Member
    @gddrdld - I'd love to figure out what's triggering things and resolve it all just so I can eat chocolate again! My Dr. thought I might be fructose intolerant, and put me on a test diet - I felt a little better on that diet, but ended up still having the same reactions, and it was extremely hard to find anything to eat on that diet. So, now I have an appointment with an allergist. It's almost like I figure out what I can eat and then my body says "nope, you can't eat that any more" :P

    Right now my tummy likes oatmeal and bananas and I'd love to make a shake out of them with some protein powder, but any type of anything related to milk kills my system, I don't even lick my fingers when I'm making the kiddo's something yummy that has milk/butter in it. What's funny is raisins, dates, legumes, ginger are now also to be avoided at all costs.

    Anyway, I've heard pea protein might be good?
  • risenonlytofall
    There are hemp and pea protein powders available. They might be more agreeable to your allergies.
  • hmccullough72
    hmccullough72 Posts: 10 Member
    Oh, I didn't know there was a hemp protein powder. Have you tried it before?
  • risenonlytofall
    I haven't tried hemp, but NOW Foods has a good pea protein. If you want some other brands to look into you could do a search for vegan protein powder reviews.
  • Terri_Wickwire
    Terri_Wickwire Posts: 149 Member
    I use a Vegan-Certified protein shake that is brown rice, yellow pea and cranberry protein. Love it! Tastes great, no whey or soy and when I toss in my baby organic spinach and pumpkin puree (along with some raw cacao nibs) I'm good to go!
  • hmccullough72
    hmccullough72 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks guys! Here's to loosing 30lbs - cheers! *******
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Vega Sport protein powder is vegan and has no soy. It's hemp, pea, alfalfa and something else. It tastes pretty good too.

    You can also get egg protein powder. To me it has a weird taste but whatever.
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    @gddrdld - I'd love to figure out what's triggering things and resolve it all just so I can eat chocolate again! My Dr. thought I might be fructose intolerant, and put me on a test diet - I felt a little better on that diet, but ended up still having the same reactions, and it was extremely hard to find anything to eat on that diet. So, now I have an appointment with an allergist. It's almost like I figure out what I can eat and then my body says "nope, you can't eat that any more" :P

    Right now my tummy likes oatmeal and bananas and I'd love to make a shake out of them with some protein powder, but any type of anything related to milk kills my system, I don't even lick my fingers when I'm making the kiddo's something yummy that has milk/butter in it. What's funny is raisins, dates, legumes, ginger are now also to be avoided at all costs.

    Anyway, I've heard pea protein might be good?

    With that many foods seeming to bother your stomach, it points to a more generalized digestive disorder vs an intolerance/allergy to specific food substances. i would recommend seeing a gastroenterologist. Milk protein allergies are not uncommon, but if you feel you are now intolerant to raisins, dates, legumes and ginger as well, than you probably have something going on. You may want to try a basic elimination type of diet. An RD can work with you on that.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    I'm vegan and I stay away from soy because it can raise your estrogen. I try to pick protein powder with the least amount of carbs/fats/sugar so most of the calories are coming from protein. Here are the two protein powders I typically use:

    Both are soy and lactose free.
  • hmccullough72
    hmccullough72 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks again guys!