I hope it is just the holidays...

I think i might just give up... I just dont have it in me anymore. Well i guess i already have because i have not logged in my diary for weeks and i have just been down and not into this at all, being a binge eater seems like a life sentence because i just cant control it. I love the storys of success but i never hear about the ones who are binge eaters and they over come it, and how they failed for a month at a time and got back up and started again. You just see the beginning picture and the end. I dont know, eh i am done rambling.Blaaaah


  • Bobby__Clerici
    Bobby__Clerici Posts: 741 Member
    I think i might just give up... I just dont have it in me anymore. Well i guess i already have because i have not logged in my diary for weeks and i have just been down and not into this at all, being a binge eater seems like a life sentence because i just cant control it. I love the storys of success but i never hear about the ones who are binge eaters and they over come it, and how they failed for a month at a time and got back up and started again. You just see the beginning picture and the end. I dont know, eh i am done rambling.Blaaaah
    I need to allow myself room to eat well.
    And I include a weekly "cheat meal".
    To maintain a deficit, I exercise a bunch at the gym but also at home on a mini trampoline while internet surfing or whatever.
    If I was a TV watcher, that's another great way to get in exercise.
    It's just habit, and I had to fall in love with exercise while maintaining my love for food but in moderation.
    You don't really want to quit.
    Buck up!
    We all feel this way from time to time, and I fail just like you do.
    Just get back on course, feed your mind positive energies and push ahead to the goal.
    Never say die!
  • KerryPayne
    KerryPayne Posts: 13 Member
    You've lost 36lbs! thats Awesome! I dont know anything about binge eating but I do know that when I look at where I've come from and where I'm going (weightwise) I feel a whole lot better about the slip ups I do have - and we all have them don't we? Get back on the horse and start logging again, dammit!
  • Fred4point0
    Fred4point0 Posts: 160 Member
    Why give up when you've lost 36 pounds? Seems you were doing something right. Get you pity party on for the rest of the day and then start tomorrow fresh. It's your life and it's up to YOU to do something about it. I'm sure if you quit you will not just be quitting on yourself but MANY others. The best is yet to come.....GET TO IT.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    you sound like you have the holiday blues...but I know accomplishing something at the gym would probably make you feel better. I know it does for me..that is why I push myself no matter how I'm feeling. Little accomplishments go a long way toward making you feel better about yourself and the world.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    You just see the beginning picture and the end.

    The middle part of our stories is that it sucks and we give up. We feel like a failure. We hate ourselves. We binge further.

    One day something happens. We walk into the gym and remember how good it feels. We get tired of pizza and have chicken. We hate what we see in the mirror. Motivation or determination hit us again. We pull ourselves up by our boot straps and make some changes. These small efforts start to snowball. Having to lose 20 pounds sucks; having to lose it twice sucks more.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I think i might just give up... I just dont have it in me anymore. Well i guess i already have because i have not logged in my diary for weeks and i have just been down and not into this at all, being a binge eater seems like a life sentence because i just cant control it. I love the storys of success but i never hear about the ones who are binge eaters and they over come it, and how they failed for a month at a time and got back up and started again. You just see the beginning picture and the end. I dont know, eh i am done rambling.Blaaaah
    I need to allow myself room to eat well.
    And I include a weekly "cheat meal".
    To maintain a deficit, I exercise a bunch at the gym but also at home on a mini trampoline while internet surfing or whatever.
    If I was a TV watcher, that's another great way to get in exercise.
    It's just habit, and I had to fall in love with exercise while maintaining my love for food but in moderation.
    You don't really want to quit.
    Buck up!
    We all feel this way from time to time, and I fail just like you do.
    Just get back on course, feed your mind positive energies and push ahead to the goal.
    Never say die!

  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    This time of year is BAD for a lot of people. Don't give up. The new year is coming and spring is right around the corner. If you have to, just maintain for awhile and when you are feeling better, get back on track! :flowerforyou:
  • sylviatx
    sylviatx Posts: 156 Member
    If you really wanted to give up, you wouldn't have posted here.

    Yesterday I ate mindlessly until I felt sick. So many cookies, so many candies, full dinner with seconds, blah blah blah.

    But today. Today is a new day. I can make the next right choice. I have that power. So do you.

    Stop beating yourself up and get back on that health kick. You know how to do it, because you've already lost SO MUCH!

    I read this on MFP but don't remember the poster's name (sorry) so can't credit it. "Losing weight is hard. Maintaining goal weight is hard. Being overweight is hard. Choose your hard."
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Suck it up buttercup you are doing great and have lost 36lbs. Keep doing what you have been. We all struggle from time to time and even fall off the wagon. I can tell you I put my weight loss on the back burner for 9 months gained back 10 kilo of the 22 kilo I lost. I have restarted a few months ago and losing again.
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 925 Member
    Hi there,

    My experiences have been when I look myself in the face in the mirror, I say, NO more crap in your life, Turn it around NOW, before you have no more life left. I did this a number of times in my life.

    I did this multiple times and stumbled often, fell down, and got back up again. But I kept talking to myself about turning my life around and returning to feeling good again in my life.

    Somewhere somehow I came to that point of where I sincerely wanted to make an investmnet into my life. My health & living a well full, long life became PRIORITY for me.

    It is a lot of work. It isn’t easy.
    But the little successes (sleeping better, being less tired, having more energy, making good food choices, planning meals) begin to add up to bigger successes ( weight loss, positive body image, healthy outlook on life in general) and so on.

    I go to GISFW 3x week and joined MFP to use to journal my food log. But I found a family of pals here to help me stay postive, focused & strong to obtain my goals.

    Pick something small like drinking more water, or bring a friend to the grocery store w/ you and tell them you can’t buy any junk food.

    I hope you find your reboot. Believe in Yourself :heart: Take Baby steps. :smile:

    Wishes for a happy healthy 2013!
  • suzie308
    I couldn't tell what your pic was so I clicked on it and it talks about being strong. What happened to that? In my journey to lose weight I have ups along with the downs, but I've corrected my diabetes so I no longer have to take insulin and my blood pressure is good and my colesterol is good, so even though I may not be losing every week I'm getting healthier. Keep after it. Be strong.
  • juicygurl1
    juicygurl1 Posts: 195 Member
    Fall off get back up; fall of get back up. There are so man of us that have struggled and may still be struggling to maintain a healthy size, weight are life-style. Let your negative feelings go with the wind, or the past and keep you eyes on the prize. it's so worth it if you stick to it.
    PS it's a struggle for me as well, but now that I like how I feel and what I see going back to 205 is not an option. I noticed you lost 36 pounds and that's an accomplishment so keep looking forward and let the Holidays go this year is almost over, but that extra weight won't leave unless you change that hopeless attitude!
  • Beyond_Value
    Beyond_Value Posts: 46 Member
    Know this you are not alone here are some sites about people who have binge eaten.
    We all have something to overcome in life and while we are still living we can do it.
    Yes, it becomes irritating not to conqueor our flaws but that is what makes us human.
    Don't give up on yourself, even if you do good one day, and bad the next keep it moving.
    Set realistic goals for yourself.
    If you know you can eat healthy for 3 days and binge for 2 then do it but push until you accomplish your goals.


    Are You a Binge Eater?

    Well Woman Blog
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    I think i might just give up... I just dont have it in me anymore. Well i guess i already have because i have not logged in my diary for weeks and i have just been down and not into this at all, being a binge eater seems like a life sentence because i just cant control it. I love the storys of success but i never hear about the ones who are binge eaters and they over come it, and how they failed for a month at a time and got back up and started again. You just see the beginning picture and the end. I dont know, eh i am done rambling.Blaaaah

    You can do it. you do not want diabetes, heart disease and you want to look better in your clothes AND being healthy makes you feel all around better. Maybe you need a couple of counseling sessions to help you through this little hump where I have been and all others probably on MFP. But YOU can do it! Hang in there. Little steps at a time and you've already lost 36 pounds! hip hip hooray = )
  • ChristiMightGetFit
    I understand what it is like to be a binge eater... It's hard to ALWAYS feel hungry even when you know your body should tell you that you are full. The only way I can do it, is to make sure there is NOTHING in the house to tempt me, and sometimes I do have to start over...and start over...and start over, because I mess up a lot....but you just have to keep pulling yourself up and trying again and again. One thing that has helped me is to not start over the next day after I have "messed up", but instead start over 1 minute later. Once I get into healthy eating habits I get kind of obsessive it because that is the only way I can stick to it...But I still think about all those foods i miss every single day...even if I have been eating healthy for 2 months...I still have the mentality that "oh I can't wait till I can have the foods I crave again!" (ie. pizza, brownies, cookies, BBQ chips etc.) I have been binge eating for the last 4 days because of Christmas...these first days of trying to get back into healthy eating are the hardest. I asked my husband to help me by taking ALL the sweets and cookies and chips/ soda out to his car if he wants to keep them and I was going to throw out the rest....but he was too lazy and so I was going to throw his candy, chocolate chip banana bread out and it turned into a huge fight... because he doesn't understand that I WILL eat it if it is there...even if my stomach hurts from being so full...I still have the urge to eat. He said "just use some self control"....I am usually a really nice and loving person but I really wanted to punch him in the face for that comment!! Am I really asking too much for a little help and support!? If I were an alcoholic would you leave cases of beer around the house and say don't have any of those? No! I have a problem and it would be nice to have some understanding. I have lost 30lbs total during my journey and am finally in a healthy weight (5'5" 145lbs)...but I have literally been in pain from overeating for 4 days straight (I probably consumed 6,500-7,500 calories per day)Yes It is hard... there is no magic pill...but you can do this! Each day we succeed at this challenge, it feels great in the morning and gets a tiny bit easier....and it will never truly be easy...but we will get stronger and better at it!
    Thanks everyone... Leaving work in a minute but wanted to say thanks before i go home. This slump has lasted for over a month and i was just thinking man what the hell get with it! Why isnt it important to you! and all that stuff and I would still just sit there and not move from in front of the tv while eating a whole pack of crackers and cream cheese UGH! I have put back on 6 pounds and I keep telling myself ok ok ok Jan 1st no more messin around!!! So its like i have givin myself a free ride until then or atleast i pray thats all it is and i get back on track.:ohwell:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    No one with as awesome of a profile pic as that one could be able to fail! YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Why give up when you've lost 36 pounds? Seems you were doing something right. Get you pity party on for the rest of the day and then start tomorrow fresh. It's your life and it's up to YOU to do something about it. I'm sure if you quit you will not just be quitting on yourself but MANY others. The best is yet to come.....GET TO IT.

    Great words. Ive read them twice.
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    You just see the beginning picture and the end.

    The middle part of our stories is that it sucks and we give up. We feel like a failure. We hate ourselves. We binge further.

    One day something happens. We walk into the gym and remember how good it feels. We get tired of pizza and have chicken. We hate what we see in the mirror. Motivation or determination hit us again. We pull ourselves up by our boot straps and make some changes. These small efforts start to snowball. Having to lose 20 pounds sucks; having to lose it twice sucks more.


    I just posted my progress so far. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/shar140/view/progress-pics-459392

    Guess what? I'm not done, yet. Guess what else? It's taken me since 2004ish to get where I am today, my smallest adult size/lowest weight, ever. (And I'm still technically "obese" according to that drasted BMI scale thing). I had plenty of ups and downs. I lost the first 35lb fairly easily. Then I hit a stall, the holidays, etc. Gained back 20lb. Yo-yoed for years. Gain some, lose it, rinse & repeat. I never gained more than where I started, though - my HW was 260lb. I'm 175ish now.

    Guess what else, else? I still binge. Look at my day yesterday: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/food/diary/shar140?date=2012-12-25

    The scale was also up around 4-5lbs today, lol. But I know it's temporary! I'm bound and determined this time to not gain anything back over the holidays, and I've succeeded and actually lost instead. I didn't want to spend yet another year gaining back 10-15lb then spend the following year re-losing it again. I want to be done with this, finally!!

    You can do this. :)