
eliz405 Posts: 9 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Upon entering the snacks I had consumed since lunch today, It was brought to my attention by MFP I had consumed as much calories and fat grams as my lunch (399calories & 11fat grams). I feel absolutely obsessed with food today. It's on my mind, I can taste it in my mouth. I work in a small space. When my coworkers eat, I want to eat. I have brought all kinds of low calorie/low fat snacks. My problem is they don't satisfy me. The last thing a snacked on was "progresso southwestern vegetable light" for 50 calories and 0 fat. I am now content. Was it the soup or all the other crap I had before that. I'm so frustrated with myself for this obsession. Anyone else feel this way at times and how did you deal with it?

Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • I always feel like that!!

    What I do is that i'm really strict about timings, I force myself to eat every 2-3 hrs, wether i'm hungry or not! And I often have just as much calories in my snacks as I do in my meals (sometimes more). There's nothing wrong with that, it's the amount of calories ingested at the end of the day that counts ;)

    Good luck!!

  • I always feel like that!!

    What I do is that i'm really strict about timings, I force myself to eat every 2-3 hrs, wether i'm hungry or not! And I often have just as much calories in my snacks as I do in my meals (sometimes more). There's nothing wrong with that, it's the amount of calories ingested at the end of the day that counts ;)

    Good luck!!


    I second this. I always keep myself on a set schedule, and allow a generous amount of cals for snacks... almost like a mini meal. Seems to work well and keeps my mind off of food for the majority of the day.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    I've begun eating every 2 to 3 hours as well, helps keep on top of the hunger so I don't over eat.

    In the morning my snack is usually a Special K protein bar (So yummy, and it's chocolate so it gets rid of those cravings) In the afternoon I might do a fruit salad with a piece of reduced fat string cheese. If I get a good amount of good carbs and protein, I feel fuller and satisfied longer. Doesn't mean I don't have bad days, the important thing is to get back on track with the next meal. Good luck!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I sort of had this same dilemma the other day when I saw that my snacking was 1/3 of my calories! But as long as it's healthy stuff, and you're staying within the amount of calories you want to consume, there's nothing wrong with snacking. Today I'm just ignoring the fact that 364 of my calories are in the snacks section. It's like a whole nother meal.

    Keep switching up the snacks until you find something satisfying. Have you tried having some nuts? What about a nutritious granola snack?
  • NMorse1907
    NMorse1907 Posts: 90 Member
    I have the exact same problem. Snacking is my downfall and it is a constant fight whenever im bored or watching tv. You could try chewing gum or eating seems to help me most days. :0)
  • eliz405
    eliz405 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you all sooo very much, that was great information. I really appreciate your advise and I enjoy this site very much!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Absolutely. I'm obsessed with food most of the time. Make your calories count- protein, fiber, good carbs, good fats. Those things keep you full longer. Tell yourself you're not going to waste calories on empty-calorie junk, and stick to it as much as you can. When you're giving your body what it needs, there are less cravings. Find things that you like to replace the cravings. For my sweet cravings, I'll have multigrain cereal with a banana, and it helps a lot. It doesn't take the craving away, but it helps. I save that for evenings most of the time, because I know those sweet cravings are going to hit at night.
  • I agree with BrendaLee. Nuts are a great work day snack. I prefer raw almonds. Nuts that are roasted aren't as healthy because most of their wonderful benefits are cooked away with the roasting.

    Other good ideas are dried/dehydrated fruit (though those can be high in calories), a banana, orange, multigrain cereal, grapes, & an apple.
  • I do best when I eat whole foods for snacks - fruit, veggies, whole grain wraps, etc. When I stock up on these, the cravings go away or diminish. (Sometimes they just won't go away for awhile!) Doing even a little exercise also seems to help. I'm lucky that I'm at home. If I had to look at what someone else was eating, I'd probably crave it! Being prepared with healthy, fill-you-up kinds of snacks is probably your best defense.
  • The biggest problem is the Carbs. They are yummy.....but they will not fill you and keep you satisfied. The soup however has fiber and fills you up. I too have a co-worker problem. They eat all day. Keep a bottle of water on your desk. If you need crunch, reach for the baby carrots and lowfat might take a bit to get used to. Buy some soup at hand - they are lo cal and will do the same. Just remember, the more cookies, crackers, bread, etc. you consume - the more you will want. I sure hope that helps you.
  • brendac72
    brendac72 Posts: 109 Member
    I work in an office and there is always somebody eating something and always has to share. I have to say that I have been very good on refusing these temptations lately. I too eat something every couple of hours even if Im not hungry. I eat a lot of fruit and if that doesnt work then I eat those 100 cal packs of crackers or something along those lines. I guess I fill up on water so Im not terribly hungry.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Keep a bottle of water on your desk.
    I guess I fill up on water so Im not terribly hungry.
    I was just gonna add, make sure you are getting enough water. You could be thirsty and not hungry at all!
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