fellow runner question

bethrs Posts: 664 Member
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi everyone.

I engaged in somewhat poor planning while training and I am actually ahead of schedule by a long shot. I have a 10 miler the second week in April and I would like to do a half after that- but I finish my half marathon training program this week.

What do folks suggest I do in the interim? back up a few weeks and repeat? Maintain the last week's mileage? I'm pretty comfortable doing 8 miles. I could keep that or even 10 as my long run each week, and hang around 5 or 6 for my weekday runs....

I guess this is what I get for planning on falling behind and needing to repeat weeks. Also- what should I do between my 10 miler and the half? Taper and then retrain? Maintain a certain mileage?

Thanks in advance folks. You rock.

Ps. I posted the same question on Runner's World.com and got no responses, but I know my MFP friends will get back with me, just another reason you folks rock.


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Keep going! No harm in training for a marathon while waiting for your 10 miler. Just don't drop the ball.
  • raleigh
    raleigh Posts: 87 Member
    Id say you should do the 10 miler race and then for the weeks between the 10 miler and Half do short runs of 4-5 miles and long runs of a random order of miles but generally leading up to runs of 10 or 11 miles again. For example the week after the 10 Mile race: 4 mile, rest (or XT), 4 mile, rest, 7 mile, rest rest. Then the next week: 4 rest 5 rest 5, 9 miles, then the next long run could be 6 or 7 and then the next long run would be 10-11. (I hope you get my point here! Just do mid distances and randomize your long runs with a general upward trend)
  • Raiegh posted exactly the suggestion I would have. I would add though to try to get in some core conditioning . . . maybe yoga or pilates once or twice a week? A good hard bike ride is awesome for keeping the legs burning! Good luck!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I would repeat weeks of your training program. You need to keep your long distance training. If say you have 6 weeks to your program, I would repeat the last 6 weeks. Which program are you using? Are yo uusing the smartcoach on runner's world? If you are, I would use that and start the new suggestions they have.
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    You didnt say when your 1/2 was.
    How far is your farthest run so far?
    Are you running just to finish or are you running for a specific time? and if so is it a speed time?

    Hal Higdon has ideas on time between races and what to do. You can try to google his ideas. I was going to do NYC full in Nov (which I did) and then try and do Disney Full in Jan (which I didnt). I was going to follow his interim plan.

    For where your at now. I would back off 10% this week, 10% next and so forth and then come back up 10% each week and then have your recovery week or whatever your plan says to do for prior to your race. However the math works...This will give you a small break running but then get you back up again

    Speed work is always the problem. It causes the most injury. Keeping your mileage up isnt the problem. Its the training for a race to long in speedowrk that can cause the burnout or injury.
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    Thanks for everyone's suggestions.

    I haven't signed up for the half just yet. I'm having a hard time finding one at the right time, for the right price that I can travel to reasonably. And I'm definitely racing just to finish. I'm not really a speed demon or anything. Of course, with practice I would like to speed up a smidge, but I really don't have any particular pace rate goals. I will certainly check into Hal Higdon's advice for the interim Coronalime.

    Heck- who knows, maybe when I finish this training program, I'll just head into the marathon one and keep building miles for the rest of my life. :laugh: I'm kidding to a degree, but in honesty, I don't really know how I feel about backing off of my mileage so I may just be really super ready for that 10 miler I'm signed up for.

    Thanks everybody.
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