wanna shred your chest?..great exercises to max out and burn

Start by doing pushups, proper form..no girly pushups here, I like to do them close fisted it lessens the strain on my wrists, do as many as you can..no joke until you honestly can't lift yourself up off the floor anymore, for me it's 52 today..somedays more somedays less, then immediately..NO REST lie flat on your back and pick up your dumbells or water bottles..whatever you use for weight training and break into chest fly's..do not bang the weights together or let them touch each other..keep constant control over the weight.. again as many as you can do using proper form, trust me it won't be many you're still hurtin from them pushups :wink: as soon a you max out stay in the same position but now do presses, again as many as you can....take a rest, now I challenge you to do it again...:noway: :happy: scooby (giving him credit here..he deserves it) is a bodybuilder who gives me lots of inspiration and helps me whip my *kitten* and my clients *kitten* into shape!


  • cmurphy04722
    Ouch, that looks great haha. I think I'll start on this after I finish my 30 day shred :)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I like my arms... any tips for turning an ugly "pooch" tummy into one that's curvy & softly defined?
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I like my arms... any tips for turning an ugly "pooch" tummy into one that's curvy & softly defined?

    circuit train your abs, 4-5 sets back to back..work all the major muscles, for example, start with an incline bench, lie flat then bring your knees up to your chest while lifting your bum off the bench hold that contraction for a 2 count do it again 20x's, then drop to the floor put your feet on the wall with your knees bent as if you were sitting in a chair, crunch up and down, never let your shoulders touch the ground, maintain the contraction, then flip onto your side with your feet still pressed up against the wall, rest on one forearm and lift yourself into a plank position, then take the opposite elbow bring it down in front of you and touch the gvround, do 20x's a side, then remain in the same position and bring only the hip down to almost touching the ground but not quite and lift straight back up each side 20x's, then get onto the power tower and do knee up crunches, lift your knees up as high as you can then lower, not all the way down but to waist level, a position that you could set a tray on your lap..put that in so you can get the visual, do 20 of these....now do this circuit with no rest then rest and repeat again 4-5 x's....you can vary all the exercises this is just to get you started.