mother of four with low selfasteam (bad spelling sorry)

Hi. I have a 4yr, 16 month twins and a 7 week old (crazy I know). After having my first I lost the weight and I looked sooo good. Then I had the girls and they streached my belly so much that I had a saggy tummy and I couldnt lose the weight. This time round well lets just say I am not the women I once was. I went to buy new clothes today as I need to get out of my prenacey clothes. I left feeling worse then what I did when I went into the shop. I didnt relaise how much my body has changed. I was doing myfitnesspal after the girls, so thought I should get back into it. I guess what I am asking is for some advice and help.


  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    First stop being so hard on yourself , I gained 60 lbs with 2nd boy and I lost the weight, You need to give yourself the gift of time. Eat clean fresh foods , move as much as you can, you will get your time to workout when you can but you can't out train a bad diet...goodluck..
  • 2manyhats
    2manyhats Posts: 1,190 Member
    I had 4 kids in 6 years, 18 months apart. 14 months, then 18 months again. I was down forever, then went to college and started working full time. Now after working a full time job and a part time job for 5 years I have packed weight on. You can lose it too! Some of the best exercise I ever did was playing with my babies!. It just takes time! Hang in here for support, you can do it!
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    I have an almost-3 year old, 15 month old twins, and am 21 weeks pregnant with my 4th. Mine are all 19.5 months apart (other than the twins, obviously) so I definitely know what it's like to have a crazy household of kids! I just get outside with them as much as possible, and take time for MYSELF to exercise. I find that I'm a better mom when I've taken the time for myself, and I'm obviously in better shape for doing that also.
  • I'm not a mother :) but I understand how it can feel being overweight when you once were fit. Hang in there! Set a goal for yourself, a small one and Follow thru, and don't be sad! Theres always hope!
  • cellcell3
    cellcell3 Posts: 6 Member
    I like that about bad habit with the diet thing. Maybe I should start there first. Finding the time to excerice at the moment is a nightmare. Thank you
    Its nice hearing from others who have four kids close together. The whole twin pregancey just put so much stress on my body and then to get pregant 6 months later was just the kicker lol. You ladies are right thou playing with the kidies is good excerice. My 4yr old keeps me on my toes so might have to do some running around the house with him.
    Thank you ladies :) You guys have given me somewhere to start.
  • babymine55
    babymine55 Posts: 127 Member
    Ok..I have to say're being WAY to friggen hard on yourself!!! REPEAT AFTER ME: I JUST HAD A BABY 7 WEEKS AGO!!! I have 4 kids myself, but, 1 kid, 4 kids, or 7 kids, our bodies all respond differently.

    So, just breathe and take it one day at a time, one positive step forward at a time, one healthy choice at a time.....and most importantly-enjoy your family!!

    Congrats on your new addition to your family... :)
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Your baby is 7 weeks old. Still a newborn! Take it easy on yourself.

    9 months up - 9 months down.

    These things take time, don't put too much pressure on yourself, it's not going to happen overnight and it shouldn't need to either.

    Rest when you can and be a good mother to your lovely children, the weight will balance itself out.

    You'll be fine.
  • 3under2
    3under2 Posts: 133
    We have 2 year old twins and a 3 year old. It took me a good 9 months to get all the weight off and tone up my body. My tummy was the worst and I had a huge whole in my muscle so I opted for a tummy tuck with muscle repair to get rid of all the extra skin and the hole in my stomach. I do have twin mom friends who were able to get their tummy back without surgery. It just really depends.

    Give yourself time and and know that you ca get back to your former self. It just takes some work and dedication. The first step is coming here.

    Good Luck!
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    i have 5 children from 20 down to 9 years old! At this time Im about 6 lbs away from my goal weight so thats not too bad I have been 30 lbs away! I do think you have to be realistic firstly 7 weeks after the birth of your baby is not the time to be worrying about your weight, you have an enormous work load there,have you any help?In time you will loose the weight it took 9 months to put it on it will take time for it to go.In my experience my tummy never went back completely to where it was before I was ever pregnant but thats the price you pay for having children personally I dont believe in surgery to correct this but thats just how I feel!Anyway eat a good clean diet start walking with the kids ok you will need help here and dont worry,you have enough to do with 4 small children your weight loss will come in time!best of luck!
    Just thought you should not attempt any form of strenuous exercise until after 12 weeks ,you could do serious damage.gentle walking to begin it possible to get someone to watch your kids say for half an hour each day,go out for a gentle walk for your sanity!I know Ive been there!
  • Ouelletteb77
    Ouelletteb77 Posts: 1 Member
    Never give up and never surrender. I've been 200-210 for at least the last 7 years and my healthy weight is more around 160-170. Since September with MFP, healthy diet changes, and exercise I've dropped from a high of 210 to 177 and still going. All it takes is dedication and consistency. Don't lose hope if you don't drop right away or hit plateau, just keep going. If you gain some back, don't beat yourself up either. One thing I do to help is eat bad stuff for me every now and then, things I like so I don't lose hope with my diet changes which are actually becoming easier to follow as I'm starting to like them more. Good luck and don't stop!
  • traceygl1967
    traceygl1967 Posts: 72 Member
    I have 7 children aged from 22 down to 6 with two sets of twins thrown in there ages 14 and 6 so I know how much a twin pregnancy changes your body my stomach has never been the same since lol.You have a 7 week old i wouldnt even worry right now give yourself sometime