

  • To reach my final goal weight
    To train to run a 10K
    To run the ' Bergen tocht' to raise money for the cancer foundation
    To be fit enough to enroll for the Strong Man Run 2014
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    1. to stop binge eating. that is why I am taking the binge eating challenge 2013

    since that is my biggest contributor to my weight problem. this is my first tackle
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    To pay my bills on time..........

    Happy New Year
  • KeithChanning
    KeithChanning Posts: 214 Member
    Reach my goal weight and be healthy.

    This, and maintain at my goal weight
  • cms721
    cms721 Posts: 179 Member
    26.2 Miles on October 20th 2013.
  • fallbrawl
    1. lose 100lbs
    2. Find a job that is not thru a temp service
    3. stop drinking soda (my longest was 15 days)
  • KristenF101
    To run a half-marathon as well as a full marathon by the end of the year. My half is on January 27th!
  • cm1458
    cm1458 Posts: 742 Member
    Lose enough weight I feel comfortable doing a sexy photo shoot for my baby.

    I want to do this someday too! :) Good luck to you! youll get it!
  • cm1458
    cm1458 Posts: 742 Member
    1. lose 100lbs
    2. Find a job that is not thru a temp service
    3. stop drinking soda (my longest was 15 days)

    You can do it! I did! and i Quit all caloric and carbonated beverages three years ago. You've got this!!
  • cm1458
    cm1458 Posts: 742 Member
    Start gaining some muscle and tighten my tummy.

    This is random but you are super pretty! And you can do it!!
  • beachgirl172723
    beachgirl172723 Posts: 151 Member
    To bring Minnesota Nic and Husky Man 3 together.
  • JenM76
    JenM76 Posts: 38 Member
    I tend to not make resolutions since I never keep them. I'm great for maybe a month, but it all falls apart. BUT, that being said, in the back of my head I would like to loose 40 to 50 pounds. :D
  • cm1458
    cm1458 Posts: 742 Member
    I tend to not make resolutions since I never keep them. I'm great for maybe a month, but it all falls apart. BUT, that being said, in the back of my head I would like to loose 40 to 50 pounds. :D

    You can do it! Believe in yourself, don't give up, never compare yourself to others; compare yourself to the person you were yesterday! You can only get better!!! Happy losing!!