
Ok, I am NOT in good shape. I am actually just getting started to get back to exercising after my baby. ALL my life I have wanted to run, the main problem is I feel like I'm having an asthma attack after like a half a mile. I'm thinking my lungs just aren't in great shape either (like the rest of my body)

There is a 10K race this summer and I would LOVE to participate...I just have NO idea :noway: how to go about training myself for it.

Any advice would be highly appreciated...but please keep in mind I have a 4 month old baby and I don't have THAT much free time. PLEASE HELP! :happy:


  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    start with the 'couch to 5k' program. you can download the podcast to your computer or ipod. it is a 9-week program to get you started running. it took me much longer than 9 weeks (june to november) because soem weeks i wasn't ready to move on. after that, start the 'gateway to 10k'.
  • singcoz528
    Thank You!
  • wbond
    wbond Posts: 363 Member
    First I want to congratulate you for taking the first step to joining one of the most addicting hobby...running (IMHO). I too once like you could not run and I hated to run. Then I took it all into perspective and realize I won't run a 10K or Half-Marathon over night. There are a few good websites you can go to for very good training plans and forums for advice. The first is www.halhigdon.com. There are many types of training plans that range for those like yourself and cannot run even a half mile to advance runners looking to improve their times. Another great website is www.runnersworld.com. In the training section, you have the smart coach program which will set up a training program for you. There are forums to go ask many other runners for advice...hope this helps and good luck in your running.
  • stringsNlinks
    stringsNlinks Posts: 293 Member
    I am running an 8k (my first) at the end of March. I have been training for the past four weeks and have already dramatically improved my times. I read and have been following Galloway's 5k/10k Running book. Very easy read and I have found it very helpful for me, someone who knew nothing about running, form, breating etc. I went from a 14 minute mile first week out to 10.08 this past weekend. I also improved my distance from 1 mile to 4.5 with his run/walk training. I'm very excited!

    My goal is to finish my race strong with a smile on my face. I would however love to do it under 45 minutes!

    Good luck to you and keep me posted on how things go for you.
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    congrats on getting out there and moving!! i started running 4 months ago. i read a lot of things about running and ways to start and improve. i decided not to use any of them but just push myself everyday a little farther and faster. i could not run my block when i started and last night i ran a 5k in 25mins, running a half marathon next weekend. i have never even worn a watch. there are many ways to train, you can be very technical and follow strict programs but you can also just push yourself. any way you do it, good luck!!