Who else is working out without a gym?



  • Shrelana
    Shrelana Posts: 248 Member
    I've been trying for years to lose weight and get in shape without going to a gym...then something clicked in me...I always would say I didn't have to do it today, it was OK if I went a couple weeks without working out, I'd get back on the wagon next month, new years was right around the corner...for 14 years.

    Paying for a gym membership (even if it's only $20/month) MAKES me stay motivated because I can't afford to throw money away while paying other bills, getting groceries, and paying student loans.

    Everyone needs a different thing to motivate them to stay with it. For me, it was a 12 month contract at a gym. I'll be signing up for that contract again when mine expires...if my dream to move to Wyoming becomes viable within that 12 months, I'll pay the cancellation fee, but for now, this is what works for me :)

    I'm sure near constant allergies help with the smell I hear about :D
  • Full4Life
    Full4Life Posts: 172 Member
    As to outdoor exercise: using low impact machines are far better on your body than running, jogging, etc . . . your knees and back will thank you in 20 years. And let's not mention weather issues. Back in the day, I was crazy and jogged every morning in every weather condition (rain, snow, sleet, humidity, sweltering heat) - but now, I have a nice climate controlled gym . . . sorry - but no amount of "smog filled roads" is going to have me jogging in the street again - and did I mention cars? Drivers can't even watch out for motorcycles or bicycles - what makes you think they'll see you? Oh, wear reflective material - nice. Nope. Been there and done that - and guess what? Yep - I was hit while jogging by an idiot who ran a stop sign. So, am I bias? Maybe - but for good reason.

    Bottom line: work out at a gym.
    Ach, to each his own... BUT, Climate-Controlled gym? Blahhhh.... BORING. I feel so connected to nature when I am out IN it and WORKING in it. If I just work out in a "climate-controlled" situation, just feels so... Artificial...
    Though, that being said, I live next to a REALLY big park that goes along a river AND through a forest.
    I hear ya on driver's though. Been hit by cars while on a bike TWICE - one time was my favorite bike of all time, bent my front fork back so far it was unrepariable, miraculously, there's wasn't a scratch on me!
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    I go to the climbing gym once a week, the rest is at home.
    Lots of you tube videos,
    Lots of rehab excercises. :yawn:

    Now that its always dark we have the rock rings indoors, so working on doing a chin up. :grumble:
    Also i try to get in a lunchtime stroll when i can. ( its the only chance i have of seeing daylight as i work in a building with no widows :sad: :sad: )
  • GetHotIn2014
    GetHotIn2014 Posts: 201 Member
    I think getting activity done outside is the way to go if the weather is right. You get that fresh air and the sights and sounds are much more uplifting than a gym environment. Unfortunately, the weather is getting way too cold here in MI to take regular walks outside or do much of anything outside. I try to avoid the cold as much as possible. Working out outside would be my favorite option, but I am looking into joining a gym so I can up my exercise while it's still not-so-nice out and I can't really walk, bike, or swim outdoors.
  • brownshuga30
    brownshuga30 Posts: 106 Member
    I workout at home as well. DVD, dumbbells, jump ropes, calisthenics atons of walking! Had a gym membership years ago and lost most of the weight once I cancelled. Waiting on the machines suck big time!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Sounds like you're doing the right things, and you're less likely to pick up nasty viruses by staying out of the gym. I, too, like running and biking on my own, or exercising with DVDs in the comfort and privacy of my living room. There are plenty of ways to get a good workout!
  • PriceK01
    PriceK01 Posts: 834 Member
    Another homebody! Walking/jogging/hiking when the weather's warm and days are longer, along with home workout of calisthenics, floor work, light weights.
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    You get a shout out from me. I do martial arts twice a week and also do workouts at home (circuits,weights) and outdoors (running, power walking).
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I do my workouts either at home or outdoors with sandbags or a suspension trainer. I do have a gym membership I use occasionally but will be cancelling when the contract is up end of february.
  • jnissi
    jnissi Posts: 45 Member
    The gym and treadmills and all such things are boring as all get out. I love walking on walking trails, through woods, over hills, next to streams. I would love to take a whole summer and walk the Appalachian Trail! Besides that other productive things like hauling wood, gardening ( hoeing, raking, weeding), doing squats while folding the laundry, doing jumping jacks and sit ups with my son because he things they are hilarious and oh so fun, feel to me to be so much more productive than just running on a treadmill like a gerbil on a wheel.
  • mlegosz
    mlegosz Posts: 74 Member
    I've never stepped foot in a gym and I hope I never have to. I use body weight workouts, dumbbells & a pull up bar in my basement to get my workouts done. I'm always keen for like minded friends to support & get new exercise ideas from. Feel free to send me a request!
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Me. I have hyperacusis and gyms are unbearable.
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    Love working out without a gym. Just got done doing daily body weight exercises from "You Are Your Own Gym" using two chairs, a table, and a door :D



    thanks for sharing this idea! I just googled some home excercise on you tube and saved a few to my favorites!