Walk Away The Pounds

I am starting walk away the pounds today,planning on doing it daily and just wanted to see if anyone us does this.


  • CWGirl1891
    Yes, I have and I still do! In 2004 I weighed in close to 300 lbs. at only 5 feet tall. I started walking 5 mins out, and 5 mins back. Adding time as I progressed. By the begining of 2006 I lost close to 100lbs. Over time I had worked up walking times up to 90 mins some days. But not every day. I since lost another 40 lbs. Still need to lose just about 20 to 25 more. I usually walk 30 to 40 mins every other day, with at least 2 days at 1 hour. Now it's just out of habit and becaause it feels so very good. Winter is the hardest time to get out there. So I found going to the gym to use the tredmill is the only way sometimes to keep it going. I prefer the outdoors, but I want to keep at it. Didn't come this far for nothing! Good luck! Keep us posted, but do this for YOU and nobody else.
    SASSYJAX Posts: 103 Member
    yup, walking is a fab exercise, if you use your arms you tone up all muscle groups and will get toned legs, butt, abs, hips and arms! and it is easy to sustain without injury.
    I lost 56lbs a few years ago by walking, and the fresh air and sunshine is great for your health too!

    So go girl...keep it up!
    I am with you...!

    I find it hard to leave the house as mu hubby is ill but I have a treadmill so I use that. If its a nice day I will drag him out but its very slow pace and not very far but when the kids are here I walk with them. Its brill exercise, you dont need to bust yaself to lose weight. It is important to find something you can fit into your life and sustain for life so walking is a brilliant option. If you really get into it there are so many lovely places you can go, with a picnic too...or a flask! Take an apple if you think you will get hungry as it has fluid and sugars for energy and I found it the best to help me keep going. Milk is best to rehydrate, as it rehydrates quicker than water science says.

    They use 100 cals a mile as a measure for the activity, so if you do 6 mile walk (about 90mins med fast) you have burnt 600 cals, if you do 6 mile run you have burnt the same but it doesnt take as long. Its a good measure to use though.

    Get out there! Wish I could...!
  • gracefullyjenn
    I used it for the whole month of January and had dropped 20 pounds. I do the three mile walk dvd. I loaned it out to a friend because I have been using my wii but I think I need to do that again to change things up a little. Which tape did you get?
  • tnewcom
    thanks ladies but wont be walking outside...i am starting the Leslie Sansone Walk away the pounds...gonna start out walking 1 mile day!
  • tnewcom
    i got the Walk Slim has 1,2,3 and 4 mile workouts and came with a toning band! i cant wait to start!
  • gracefullyjenn
    It actually works. It can get redundant at times so try to change things up
  • RMakar
    Walking is the way to go! Easy on the joints! :) Keep up the good work!