


  • GoddessG
    GoddessG Posts: 175 Member
    I know you have heard much about check out your footwear, and that helped me a lot. But I also stay with low-impact exercise because I know how much knee and back pain hurt and I was concerned with joint damage when I nearly threw my knee out when doing something I shouldn't have been doing at my weight.

    When I began, I had a lot of knee and back pain. Now the knee pain is gone and I'm even walking down stairs without holding on to a bannister. The lower the weight, the less the pain.
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    Zumba might not be the best thing for your knees. The last time my knee acted up is when I did Zumba and I was even modifying the moves cause I knew what my knee could and couldn't handle. Good footware and custom made orthotics can help alot. Any exercise done in water is less stress on the knees and other joints. Walking is good. Since loosing 124 pounds my knee pain is gone but I am still scared to try Zumba again! I can usually do the treadmill, exercise upright bike, elliptical machines at the gym with no problem and the weight machines too. Just be careful!