*New Online -Starting before Jan 1 - Why wait?

Hello All,

My best friend just told me about this site, said she really thought it was a helpful tool. So here I am a few minutes before my work day begins, it's dark and cold in Vancouver and I've signed up ready to make a change in my life. I could be like the rest of the crowd and wait till January 1st to begin working out and eating healthy but I feel like I'm always waiting to make a positive change and drop the pounds.

When I spoke with my best friend last night, she told me she was feeling gross about herself too - always nice to know someone feels the same way you do at times. But then as I sat back and thought about how I've been emotionally eating this holiday season, I realized that things don't have to be the way they are.

I've go everything else going in my life, I love my job (a rare thing in today's world), I've got love and support from my family, friends and co-workers - even my boss is on my team. I'm in a great healthy relationship with a wonderful man and I'm young and vibrant....but i'm overweight and it makes me feel so self concious about myself - I hate it. I've tried and tried to lose weight and I just give up on myself. Nothing else in life do I give up on but with my weight, I tend to drop the ball.

I really have packed on some extra pounds this holiday season and I'm the heaviest, I've ever been in my life. At 27, I've lived long enough being self concious about my body image, time to put in some work, have more positive thinking and just 'getter done'



  • missgaby7
    If you've come on this site and made the effor to try and make your life better than you're definitely on the right track! Use this as a tool to see how fattening some foods are and really put your calories into perspective! ive gone off track with the hoidays but plan on trying to eat better for 2013.
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    Congratulations! You've already started your journey by logging on here. And you're right...why wait till Jan. 1?!? I'm sending you a friend request.